Mick Fitz


At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
Poor bloke, could do with a bit of luck really :(

Fitzgerald comes through third operation well

By Jon Lees12.53PM 5 NOV 2009
MICK FITZGERALD is hoping to be home by the weekend after coming out of a third operation to rid him of a lingering infection well.
Fitzgerald, a former jumps jockey who is now an At The Races racecourse presenter and BBC and Channel 4 Racing contributor, has been absent for several weeks due to a stubborn infection.

The infection was believed to be a legacy from the surgery Fitzgerald underwent to realign three vertebrae and two discs in his neck following his career-ending fall from L'Ami in last year's Grand National.

He had already undergone two operations on his lung, the first to remove an abscess and a second to address a complication that occurred with a chest drain, but surgeons have now completed two further procedures onhis throat and spine.

"All went well," Fitzgerald said from hospital on Thursday. "They have removed the front plate on my spine and hope that will alleviate the chance of the infection returning. They have also repaired the hole in my oesophagus. It was quite complicated and took three surgeons to do it, but thankfully it is all done and hopefully I will be away before the weekend.

"I am still being fed through a tube but that's only because the throat surgery has been done and they want to keep that area clean for ten days. I have to go back for a radiology test where you swallow barium which will show up on the x-ray.

"Ultimately the hope and plan is I can then get back to work. I have been incapacitated for a lot of time and I am very keen to get back to work now."
I'd wish Mick Fitzgerald a full recovery from all his illnesses, but it would be hypocritical of me to say I want him back on our screens soon.
Jesus if i hear him talking about Lami burying him at the second i think i am going to put me foot through the television!!!! I am not doubting it was terrible etc but really does he have to go on about it every time he is asked anything. I heard him before the national last year being asked about who he fancied for the national then he starts off with his "The national brings back mixed memories for me..........................."
Indeed - I did find it mildly amusing that whilst the RP was reporting Micky Fitz as being seriously ill his tipping service was still in full swing (the amusing bit being the tipping service and not Micky Fitz's illness).
Not a lot new there - there were a fair few laughs at Newmarket last year when Thommo was reading the Racing Post and, having come across his large advert shouting the winners, announced in an amused voice "oh look, I've been punting all the winners lately!"
He looks dreadful,his clothes are nearly falling off him on ATR the other day,he's lost a lot of weight.He "eats" through a tube in his stomach.