Mock Theory Drivibg Test

Diamond Geezer

Gone But Not Forgotten
May 2, 2003
Mock Driving Test


Other road users make you angry. A strong candidate for a road-rage incident, there’s nothing that makes you more cross than sharing the nation’s tarmac with the bunch of imbeciles who call themselves drivers. They won’t be laughing when you get the road tax on your M1 Abrams tank.

Oh dear, not really me I have to say.
Very good DG!! :lol:

I got :

Mock Driving Theory Examination Results

Well done! You have completed the mock theory test. You are now ready to start causing real road accidents

The Statto-o-Matic Driver Type Assessment Algorithm has handily determined what type of driver you are for your convenience:
certified by The Statto-JTA Mock Driving Theory Test
You’re a
You just love your horn.
Whenever the opportunity arises to beep your horn loudly, you’re there. You love the limitless power your horn affords you to mildly annoy other road users.

A shame you never mastered the gearstick.

Well, when in Rome and all that - I've been getting into the habits of the Gibraltarians/Spaniards!!
You are a cautious driver. Your driving is a little reserved.
There’s nothing wrong with a tiny bit of extra braking distance or checking your lights before every journey. Or covering your car in a three-metre thick, flame-retardant foam coating developed by NASA

:lol: :lol: I think they got me a little bit wrong :lol: :lol:
I got the same as Griffin, after mocking all the answers, although I resolutely refused to beep my horn (I can't stand the sound of it - but if I installed a 'Dixieland' airhorn I'd use it all the time). That is a very funny test - I love the giant inflatable yellow hedgehog sign!
You’re a carefree driver

You are calm, collected and laid back.
The hazards of the road don’t deserve much worrying about, nor does a driving theory test. Everything will be fine in the end.
Your dad in the Mafia will make sure of that.