More rumours of BHA economising...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Watching 'one of us' raceday staff at Plumpton in her white coat, complete with little plastic whistle and flag assuming her duties as a flagperson, I asked her what else the BHA had in mind for further savings. Flag jobs, as I think most of us now know, have been passed for staffing from the BHA to the racecourses. Other savings the BHA - don't forget they've just hiked the cost of their 'services' by 22.5% to owners - will include also passing the costs of the vets and doctors to the racecourses to fund.

Now, one flag job on standard racecourse rates of pay will be no more than what most get, I assume - around £50 per meeting (regardless of how many races), subject to tax. But a vet's bill is around £600-700 and a doctor's at least £700 per meeting. The courses have always picked up the cost of hiring the ambulances and paramedics.

Now, never mind the BHA's entirely feeble attempts to reduce fixtures lists - this might be the final thorn in the side which does see courses reducing them in order to meet all the now very significant additional funding costs they will have imposed on them.

How does the BHA justify hiking its 'services' when they are currently withdrawing as many as possible? Well, probably to fund Racing for Change, that's how...
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Don't get me started, it’s depressing:(
…perhaps we could make them provide their own flags?
Is there a workable business model for individual courses to divest themselves of BHA services and charge owners and trainers themselves.

Courses might be able to attract prize-money and target owners and trainers accordingly.

This might regionalise racing somewhat but hopefully put those who really want a 'racing', as opposed to those who want a lean and mean business, in charge.

Just musings and there must be many other issues but I worry that those making these changes are 'career' people rather than racing benefactors.

Suspect there isn't. Any horses that ended running at these nonsanctioned BHA cpurses would likely be banned for a period like flappers are.
Perhaps this may be just my suspicious nature but I have observed punters loading up the 'fruities' in my local betting betting shops, piling in tenner after tenner until a large win results and then cashing out at the counter.

Could this be a way of money laundering and are racecourses missing out?

Sorry but my faith in many establishments has been undermined considerably and my mindset is changing to one of 'anything goes' tomake ends meet.

It could be a way of money laundering MR - but primarily if you load it up with 10k and then take the 10k out straight away.

The same would be true of taking short prices about favourites for fortunes online ie. 1/25 for £2,500 or backing both sides of a rugby handicap (ie. losing a couple of quid for the sake of getting a receipt for the money).

I'd hazard that most of the punters you see in the local betting shop are just compulsive gamblers who used to bet on the horses - though the machines they use are a lot more addictive than horse racing and dogs.

If you suspect anyone of money laundering though you should report it to the police and the gambling comission as bookmakers now have to (same with underage gambling).

And check your £50 and £20 notes for moodies... the £50s look fine from the front, but the large picture on the back is blurred, looks like it's been in the wash. The hologram discs on the twenties are poor quality, with the detail almost missing or looking 'scraped off', otherwise convincing.