Moved? Where To?

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At the Start
May 3, 2003
Hayes, Middlesex
In the last month I've seen two threads that have apparently been moved, but when I click on the link they seem to no longer exist.
So where do they get moved to? The Racing Forum? Punters Paradise?

Or is moved another word for deleted on here? :D
They get moved to the moderators section. Where the Moderating High Council (MHC) sit around and discuss what was wrong with the thread and what implications it will have on the member and his/her future postings.

i.e Ardross drinks a cup of tea clutching his framed photograph of Margaret Thatcher and deletes it and any post mildly relating to it and then warns the member of the all seeing all being Moderating High Council.
This post has been edited by Moderating High Council on Jan 16 2007, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Gearoid@Jan 16 2007, 06:55 PM
i.e Ardross drinks a cup of tea clutching his framed photograph of Margaret Thatcher and deletes it and any post mildly relating to it and then warns the member of the all seeing all being Moderating High Council.
brilliant but soooo true :lol:
There is a section called Mods Only Ted where threads that potentially breach the rules or are libellous are moved . The thread in question was moved because Euronymous saw fit to copy a libel onto the forum - a libel that the person described in which has already successfully sued for . If that person took action against this site Col is at risk .

If a thread/post does not breach the rules it can be moved back.

Meanwhile Gearoid any posts that suggest i have a framed photograph of Margaret Thatcher are definitely libellous

The link to Wikipedia is doing the rounds at a number of forums now, yet it has not been deleted anywhere else but here.
As Euronymous seems to be determined to repeat the libel yet again - I am closing this
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