Mp3 Downloads


At the Start
Jul 22, 2003
Anybody uses any web page to download music on-line ?
Most of them require an annual/life subscription and you are not able to check the music available until you pay that , so I would appreciate some advice before I commit to any of them .
I'm sure there are loads of decent ones which don't require a subscription etc.

Here's one that stocks just about any song ever released and it allows you to preview a little piece of whatever song you are interested in.

It's called "Passalong" because as an alternative to buying the music outright (which you can still do), you can earn points just by passing music along, so to speak. If you recommend a song to a friend, you earn one point. Each song or album has its own set price, be it money or points.

Music Download Site

This site is russian and legal - well they say so. It was the case that you could download a gig of music for 15 dollars but prices have gone up somewhat. Its still good value in my opinion. Catalogue not exhaustive but good nonetheless.