'ms' Jowell


At the Start
May 2, 2003
As in every Party that's gone before, sleaze is starting to get a hold in the Labour Party having been in power for several years.

Does Ms Jowell really expect us to believe that she didn't ask any questions at all (bearing in mind that as a Minister, she should be extra sensitive about personal financial matters) when her husband re-mortgaged their house what - three? - times in four years???

"Just sign here darling, I need another £350 grand in a bit of a hurry..."

"No worries, my precious - I'm sure you need it for entirely rational reasons..."

Yeah, right....

At best, it demonstrates that she is a woman of limited common sense (she may well be highly intelligent but it's not the same thing) and at worst it appears she places her loyalty to Tone higher than that she owes her whole family.

I expect I'm in a small minority on here and my views will no doubt be seem by some as trying to score political points but no matter which party she represented, my views would still remain the same. If she had a scrap of decency and less self-interest, she would have resigned long before such incredible shit hit the fans
No matter how much she's criticised, Tone will back her up and she won't resign of her own accord. People just don't do the decent thing and blow their brains out in the study any more, do they? Crass, deceitful, and untrustworthy - I feel proud that our country's led by such marvellously-principled people.
What's far worse, what sort of respect does she have for her children that she puts Tone and the Party before their father?
There remains the possibility that she was duped by her husband . Spouses sometimes do believe out of love what rationally they ought not to do so .
Originally posted by Ardross@Mar 6 2006, 08:37 PM
There remains the possibility that she was duped by her husband . Spouses sometimes do believe out of love what rationally they ought not to do so .
Well said. Shame on those assuming she has resigned purely to save her career. They might be right but I doubt any of us on here know.
So what if she was, James? Is that really a good enough excuse to remain in office? And be totally honest - if this had been ten years ago, with a Tory Minister and spouse, would you really have volunteered the same extenuating excuse? Would you b*llox.... :P

My condemnation refers to the effect that continuing in office will have on her children (unless, of course, this is a 'separation' to throw a bone to the media in name only - something I rather suspect is closer to the truth). The children may well be young adults but how would you feel if it were your parents playing this out in such a glare of publicity?

And with the best will in the world, if she is as good at her job as she claims to be, then there's no way she shouldn't hve checked why he was re-mortgaging the family home (not some holiday house that she didn't actually live in) so frequently..
I heard Margaret Beckett's defence of her last night, in which she suggests that cabinet ministers just don't have the time to take any interest in their personal financial affairs..........in effect they put serving the country in front of seeing if they had a bob or two in the bank.........mmmmmmm!! :what:
:D @ Relkeel

Songsheet, they are probably just waiting for the whole thing to be yesterday's news, and then there will be the great news in the late Spring/Summer that they have had a reconciliation, and are making another go of it - possibly for the sake of the children. There will be the posed for "happy photos" of them holidaying together in the summer trying to make another go of it and blaming the media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion.

Cynical? Me? Nah...... <_<