Mullins Bankers and withdrawel news


Banned member
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
Listening to Willie Mullins on Youtube he oozed confidence on 3 particylar horses

MonkFish 1.73
Concersita 2.25
Charcun Pur Soi 1/1

all look to have outstanding chances and proving him right

a nice 77.85p for a tenner

I would say get on but waiting for the catch like which one will the wheels come of before the race
whats not to understand ? Every year one or more hot pots miss their races........whether they are found not to be 100% get injured on the gallops or stand on a stone

So far nothing but is it the lull before the storm?
there's an injuries and departures thread and also the general cheltenham 20/21 thread for withdrawal news

also you started a similar thread last week about 'bankers' so maybe just update that one