Must Be Very Hard! Going Here?

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003
A hosepipe ban is about to be imposed on eight million people.

Thames Water is enforcing restrictions across London and the South East.

It is the first time in 15 years the company's resorted to the measure.

It follows a prolonged period of below-average rainfall in the South East which has prompted the worst shortages in a century.

Restrictions have been in place for many parts of the region since last year, and the Environment Agency has warned that more drastic measures may be needed unless the situation improves.

Some areas of Kent and Sussex could even see standpipes introduced in the streets for the first time since 1976, or supplies cut at certain times of day.

Thames Water chief executive Jeremy Pelczer said he had not taken the decision to impose bans lightly.

"We are reluctant to restrict the amount of water our customers use, but the situation is serious," he said.

"The drought across the South East has now gone on for so long that we have to be prudent and introduce measures that will make best use of limited supplies and help protect the environment."

Andrew Marsh, of the Consumer Council for Water, said imposing hosepipe bans now to prevent more serious problems in the summer was a "sensible precaution".

"Consumers will support the ban, but the problem with Thames Water is that they have a pretty poor record with leakage," he said.

"There's a big perceptual problem there when down the road there may be a pipe leaking water
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Mar 13 2006, 01:19 PM
It is the first time in 15 years the company's resorted to the measure.
No it isn't - they certainly have implemented hosepipe bans within the last 15 years, God their PR people come out with shite!!

Besides, I don't know of anyone who has ever taken any notice of the ban or abided by it - everyone in our village have always carried on watering their gardens and filling their swimming pools!!! :lol:
Saudi Arabia has masses of water desalination plants along its huge coastline. I imagine Dubai must have the same, in order to follow Saudi in nonstop sprinkling lawns, and Nad al-Sheba looks particularly green all year. Why on earth can't we stop dickering around with reservoirs which rely on rainfall, which there is going to be far less of, thanks to global warming, and stick a dozen or so around our coastlines, too? They're no worse in appearance than the average small power station, and I just don't get this reliance on natural forces, rather than managing the issue.
I'm with you both there, Gibraltar de-salinises its water and doesn't have a problem with water supplies - and that's a country in the mediterranean with a hot climate, low rainfall and a very high population per area - around 30,000 people live in the Rock, which is something daft like 2 and a half square miles, most of which is taken up by the Rock! So how on earth the UK can't manage when it rains all year and it is surrounded by water I have no bloody idea!
The water authorities have had an easy ride for too long. Cutting off water supplies at certain times of the day is an absolute joke.
The down side of this was several tee shirts, I read years ago now, while in MARJORCA which read and I quote .... don't drink the water around here the fish in it..... :D just the thought of it, made one seek other types of drink??? :o
In Gib the desalinated supply isn't provided for drinking - it is used for flushing toilets, we have two water supplies piped into each residence.
That's a brilliant idea, Shadz. I know there'd be huge costs, but installing saline water for coastal area loos (especially as they're heavily-trafficked during the summer months by tourists) would surely be a sensible move? The idea that water companies could decide who'd get water at what time of day is outrageous, although no doubt none of us will take to the streets in protest - we get aerated about torture in Chile and human rights abuses in Nigeria, but will we heck get in a fury when our own 'developed nation' status starts to slip down the charts, because there's never enough money for education and health, but there's always enough to go to war? :angy:

I'll be all right in an hour - the Festival will crank up, and I'll vent my feelings on bawling them home!
I know, it's quite staggering really that the Gibraltarians had a good idea!!!! :lol: It must have been the brainchild of the Britsh military....;)
It would also help with the rising sea levels too, which a lot blame on global warming**? if water companies were to pipe the water into our homes to use as toilet flushing water only.
Take these toilets (I have two!! each must hold a couple of gallons) times every household!! would surely reduce the amount in the channel, and increase the volume in the reservoirs.

So instead of giving investors interest they could put this into practice first.....

** I have another personal theory with regards this…………….