National Hunt Ten To Follow Comp- The Result


At the Start
May 2, 2003
In possibly the worst run and updated 10 To Follow competition to date on this forum I can now announce (on the eve of the first classic) the finishing order of forum Ten To Follow National Hunt Competition....

1st - Qzy 293 (€100 to the winner)
2nd - Tout Seul 281 ( €50 to the runner up)
3rd - Euronymous 270 (€20 to the third place)

An Capall 268
AliGupter 268
Betsmate 260
Granger 247
Merlin 220
TommyL 216
Montyracing2 215
The Cardiffian 212
Aldaniti 210
Irish Stamp 205
Chrisbeeksracing 204
Gareth Flynn 199
Headstrong 193
Topcat 188
Cheltboy 186
Shadow Leader 164
Kathy 158
Diamond Geezer 154
Galileo 146
Arkwright 124
Arazi 112
Archie 110
Bobbyjo 110


Well done to the winner and those that placed. Feel free to double check your scores but the result stands if I hear no query by Sunday 12pm. Could those who I owe money please forward on their address (via PM) and I will get the prizes off to you by next week. Well done again and sorry for the delay in announcing the result!
Fantastic performance by Qzy. Think I caught a tartar.
Thanks for setting this up Gal and for the generous prizes.
If you get the chance stick €25 ew on Fullandby in the 4.00 at Newmarket.50% of any proceeds to Col for the site and 50% TBA. Otherwise all to Col please.
Well done to the placed runners and esp to Qzy! Let us know which horse you put it on :P

I'm just glad I came in in front of a few fancied runners!
Thanks indeed to Gal for the comp, it was great fun to follow as the season unfolded
Well done to the winners, especialy Qzy, and well done to Galileo for organising! :clap:

(I'd forgotton I had even entered) :D