Well, unless I can blackmail Dims to set up a hide and take some decent photos, this is a narrative-only start to this topic!
Great excitement this morning - thought I would just see how high the river was and if it was doing any damage to our already pretty suspect bridge so walked down with the dogs. The weather was shite - blowing gusts of about 50mph and horizontal rain - lovely! Walking along the river bank, the dogs were working well ahead, pointing and flushing quite a few pheasants but they were working nice and quietly, lucky for me because my attention was caught by a quite loud, high pirched squeal and there, about 15' away from me in the river were two otters!!
I've know for ages we had otters along our stretch of the river (hence why I banned the 'mink' hounds) but have just never been lucky enough to see them. The river was really wild - I wouldn't let my bitches near it to swim in - but it was immaterial to the otters! I was able to stand and watch them for about ten minutes and the experience has truly made my year.
There's about 1/3 mile of river frontage with the farm now - it's fished by Taunton Fly Fishing Club, a truly delightful bunch of about ten old guys who have have managed to overturn my long held contempt for most fisherman I've previously had dealings with. They carefully manage the banks and enjoy all the river has to offer and are great champions of the otters on their stretch of fishing rights.
Great excitement this morning - thought I would just see how high the river was and if it was doing any damage to our already pretty suspect bridge so walked down with the dogs. The weather was shite - blowing gusts of about 50mph and horizontal rain - lovely! Walking along the river bank, the dogs were working well ahead, pointing and flushing quite a few pheasants but they were working nice and quietly, lucky for me because my attention was caught by a quite loud, high pirched squeal and there, about 15' away from me in the river were two otters!!
I've know for ages we had otters along our stretch of the river (hence why I banned the 'mink' hounds) but have just never been lucky enough to see them. The river was really wild - I wouldn't let my bitches near it to swim in - but it was immaterial to the otters! I was able to stand and watch them for about ten minutes and the experience has truly made my year.
There's about 1/3 mile of river frontage with the farm now - it's fished by Taunton Fly Fishing Club, a truly delightful bunch of about ten old guys who have have managed to overturn my long held contempt for most fisherman I've previously had dealings with. They carefully manage the banks and enjoy all the river has to offer and are great champions of the otters on their stretch of fishing rights.