Network Cards

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Need a bit of help, i have a laptop (due to special needs) for use at university in lectures, assignments etc. and my friend mentioned today a network card so it can be used on different networks, access the internet in uni etc. does anyone know how much these cost?
If it helps or hinders my laptop is one of them Sony one's, the exact spec is on the front of it (but i don't have it to hand).
Sorry this is brief.
Thanks in advance

Martin, here are some network cards.


Unless the university has a wireless hub though, you still won't be able to acess the net as I understand it.
At our uni, you can ask the computer people in charge of each university network for the correct protocols to access each one. I work in several different departments, so I use a rubbish old laptop to record results and type up notes as I go along. All you need is a network card, maybe a bit of ethernet cable - I would imagine most of the places you'll be wanting to use your laptop in will be networked anyway.

Of course, a wireless network would be the handiest.