New Moderators


At the Start
Dec 7, 2004
Hi Col,

The last few days have got me thinking. Do we need some new mods to reflect the change in the profile of posters over the last couple of years?

I'd be the first to admit that I'm not on here as much as I once was, which means sometimes I miss the context of posts. I'm not looking to shirk anything and am happy to stay on alongside any new mods.

There are a couple of strong candidates, but not sure whether they could be persuaded.

It means that there are more around for when you move house every week as well. :D
Thanks for the endorsment Betsmate. I'm waiting 13 years for this. I've been passed over more times than Brian Clough was for the England job. I will rule fairly and no grudges will be exercised on the blood sucking leeches of the forum.

Bar living in Donnybrook life is great. The barmen in Ashton's leave me cold.
Ashton's I agree. Been gravitating towards McSorleys of late.

Was that you ahead of me in the Lobster queue in Dbrook Fair last week?
Ashton's I agree. Been gravitating towards McSorleys of late.

Was that you ahead of me in the Lobster queue in Dbrook Fair last week? are partying like it's 2006 lads....FF aren't back on power yet, show some decorum...
Err.. I thought I posted this in the Mods forum. Never mind.

Any volunteers?

I thought you already pulled the strings Slim.
Normally you are right. Got away with that one. Thank god I didn't post the Forum Member Deadpool in here.