New Years Resolutions!

I will be trying to stop smoking, i hate it so much but i can't give it up, ive tried twice this year and im still at it. :angy:
Good luck, Pro. Maybe one way is to shame yourself into it, by getting yourself sponsored by workmates, friends, etc. You can go so many days, weeks, months, without a ciggie, they pay you 5p a day, and you can either donate the proceeds to charity, or... buy yourself a carton! :D

I MUST, this coming year, lose loadsafat. It was a bit much when my holiday companion, 15 years senior, with a replacement knee and a dodgy spine, sped ahead of me while I toiled behind, wheezing and tying-up badly! I've also just had a Christmas card from a horsey pal in Staffordshire, inviting me to 'come up and ride some time'. I know she has stout Hunters, but I don't think there's one that could lump me along for a couple of hours, not unless it stopped for a breather every five minutes. :shy:
Originally posted by PDJ@Dec 14 2006, 04:38 AM
I MUST learn to drive. It was a nuisance before but now it is necessary.
I was 32 before I started driving-there was no need for a car in central London but since I started I have found it very enjoyable.
I MUST!!!stop giving those fecking bookmakers monies of any kind, and try picking my choices by PIN instead........(just in case the knockers comment :P ) or sharpen the one I already use.................