
Dreadful at Fontwell - I went to support Alastair Lidderdale's TAKE IT THERE, in what turned into a war of attrition. But the dear girl's forte is her sheer grit (it isn't her looks, bless her), and she managed to not drop Giles (Hawkins - what a smashing chap to have a little natter with beforehand, with Alastair and two other supporters. He and the other jocks had all worked out their places in the running order, with Colin Bolger, who wanted to front-run, unfortunately getting deposited from his beast), and her jumping accuracy is outstanding, no matter the going.

The smashdown rain started when I was about a mile from the course just before 1.00 pm, and continued until 1.45 pm, then intermittently through the day. By the time TiT was running, we had no rain, but howling wind. Super! Once we'd greeted the dear horse and I'd bunged Ally her lass a roll o'Polos for her, I pushed off back home to warm up.