Newmarket other races


On a break
May 7, 2007
late 1960's early 70's
Not had a good look at the card but have had a glimpse at the Challenge Stakes.

I think Strong Suit is a lay at 6/4. Carrying 9-5 is a tough ask against the older Chachamaidee. Cecil's will take some beating imo
since 2000 only one other 3yo has run under the penalty..was a 16/1 Godolphin runner and was well beaten. The fact not many run with the penalty probably tells you itself that its a tough ask.
Strong Suit is a much better horse than those who have tried before though . I think he will win .
This all depends on whether Keys is as good as they think he is I reckon .

Otherwise I don't have a clue.
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Excellent ride by Hughes on Rocinante but I feel this race should have stayed at Ascot .
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Waiting for Bubble Chic in a tasty double with Wading to get me out of trouble after two losing Dundalks on a row. Got skinned there last night!