Newsflash! DENMAN goes to the Velka!


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Just got a call from a Press pal in Folkestone to say the word is that yes, DENMAN will contest the Grand National, but the goal is to get him readied for the Velka Pardubice in October! He'll be up against strong competition with PUDNI WASTI, winner of the Grand Norge, and the giant 18 h.h. Russian entry, YAD EKOJ, winner of the Mokbar 5-miler, plus NO DRAP, the 2008 winner of Germany's prestigious Huprennen at Baden-Baden. Anyway, don't forget - you read it here, on Talking Horses, first!
No - it won't be in there until tomorrow - that's why I said, you read it here first! Decision is being kept quiet (well, that's what they thought!) until they see how he does in the Grand Nasty.
:lol::lol: And who'd blame the dear boy, after all the hype he's getting?! I think if he could speak, he'd do a Marlene Dietrich and mutter, "I vant to be alone!"
Best April fool i recall was when Capital Radio gave out the time adding an hour on

So you wake up to "good morning its 9 o'clock!"


Thought that was superb
I think the best April Fool was the Beeb's spoof of spaghetti-harvesting in Italy, via Richard Dimbleby. Cue black-and-white film and Dimblebum intoning, "... and here we see the Italian peasants harvesting the spaghetti... ", as excellent turn-outs from Auntie's costume department picked cooked spaghetti strands from bushes, and placed them carefully in rustic baskets. Priceless.
I quite liked the one that Chris Evans suggested this morning - for school children everywhere - think he said they used to do it - so probably needs some tweaking for these days...

whenever your teacher turns to write something on the board or looks down at her book, everyone move forward a couple of inches, until you have them pretty much surrounded...
