Next Year


At the Start
May 2, 2003
I vow to go to Cheltenham - this was the first year that I have really wanted to experience it over there....definitely definitely definitely.
I vow to go to Cheltenham - this was the first year that I have really wanted to experience it over there....definitely definitely definitely.

you would enjoy 21 Club. I believe the craic in there last night was amazing. Owner/DJ said it was better than Gold Cup night last year.
Its too long since I have been too. I got a real buzz watching this year and it was nothing to do with betting. Its reminded me I am a racing fan and not a number cruncher. Next year I will be there too.
The monster crowd's been the issue why I've never gone, Turtle. I went to one day at the Paddy Power, meeting august forumites like Diamond Geezer and Mrs Geezer, and was surprised how easy it was to get around the course. We went into the middle for the x-country (DG knows the best spots to stand!) and were back to greet the winner in plenty of time, plus secure a really good pozzie for DG's photos. It never felt crushed, I could easily get something to eat and drink, and the loos didn't have a mile-long tailback! In fact, you could get in right away, and they were clean and well-maintained. I had a thoroughly good day. You might like to test-drive the Paddy Power meeting and then see if you feel like upscaling the crowd from that.
Can't bear the prospect of a huge crowd though :(

It' not as bad asyou might think. It's very handy to see the horses, have a bet and either watch on big screen or walk onto the lawn in Club. Then back out to see the winner come back in and see runners for next race. It becomes a bit of a pain if you want to get into the stands etc for the big race but I wouldn't let that put you off. Great experience, particularly the roar from the crowd before the opener.
Well, I might try it, too, Cantoris, since you put it like that. I do love to be able to spend ages watching horses in the pre-race parades, and get back to the winner's slot to bawl a 'well done!'. I don't much mind where I watch the racing itself from. I can usually see over most heads and there's always the Big Screen. I just hate fighting through bodies to get from pillar to post.
Kri, the walk from the parade ring to the lawn in Club is about 150 yards and you pass the Tote and big screen on the way!! I wathced a few of the races from the lawn and wanted to get out to see Big Zeb come back in and managed to walk, slowly, out and get a pitch two steps up on the parade ring to see him come back in. Very easy.
Sounds great now that you describe it so, Cantoris. I'm not claustrophobic, just hate the awful shuffle-shuffle-shuffle I thought it would be. Okay, will have to do it! By the way, I turned the wrong way coming out of the course and as I was staying near to Oxford, got caught on the wretched one-way system. Round and round and round I went - I finally screeched to a halt by the cop shop and begged to be told how to get off! Like a mini-version of 'Groundhog Day'!
To be honest Krizon, if you want to get around nicely and take all those aspects in, you will be a little disappointed.

I went weds last year and it was the lightest crowd i remember, but this year crowd was up just 7% and the difference was plain. Bit of a scrum at times (especially first couple of races)

Having said that it was dreadful a few years back. The Fellow's GC almost finished me off. Simply couldnt see the race at all

But ive been to around 20 Cheltenhams now and the thrill is unlike any other a mile. It simply isnt replicated anywhere else. You never tire of the first sight of those stands when you come up the hill

But would always day is enough
Agree with that Clive - went on the Tuesday last year and the Weds this, wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected but still pretty bad.

Was struggling to get weighed in with VC on the rails for the Fred Winter such were the numbers trying to back Shot From The Hip for the Bumper.

There will be quieter meetings for sure but will there be any better?
I went weds last year and it was the lightest crowd i remember, but this year crowd was up just 7% and the difference was plain. Bit of a scrum at times (especially first couple of races)

If it's of any help, my father is in his 70s and not overly nimble on his feet and he finds it grand.
I was going to ask you how you got on Bobby - your comments before about not wanting to miss anything on the box mirrored by thoughts exactly.
Only arrived on Wed morning but the buzz and the banter is something else. I know that numbers may be down a little bit relative to a few years ago but in a way that makes it a tad more enjoyable for those who were there, as you could move around freely enough on Tues/Wed/Thurs...all the week was missing was the buzz generated by a big winner, like, Dunguib or Kauto. The reception for Big Bucks was very subdued I thought. Still though, as a racing fan, I was up in the stands before the Gold Cup today thinking where else would you want to be right now?!

Oh. And there's a bit of life around the place in the evening as well.........I'll be booking next year at the first possible opportunity.
Thinking (at this remarkably early stage) of going the Monday night staying for the Tuesday and Wednesday.

That's what I do and if you book a reasonably early flight back on Thursday morning, you'll be sitting on the couch at home for the afternoons racing.
I usually go on New Years Day to avoid the crowds - with you there Krizon. Although if offered a spot in a box during the Festival I wouldnt be turning it down!
:lol: Just seen the remark about Cleethorpes! Probably twice the price of Koh Samui, though!

Hmm... now have mixed feelings. Not that I can't get about, even though Sunny Pines is only years away... ! I wouldn't be worried about doing the bookies because any bets I'd want on I'd put on through a (new) telephone a/c beforehand. My real interest in being there would be to see 'em in the parade ring beforehand, and greet the 1, 2, 3 afterwards without finding a sea of dazed punters in my way. I hate it where it's 'one or the other', which is probably why I'm a fan of small tracks.