Nicholls Book


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
Anyone gonna be getting this? I read the exert where he describes the Cyborgo/ See More Business incident in the Gold Cup. :lol:

He hinted at issues he already had with Pipe and McCoy at that time. Anyone know what they were with the champion jockey?
If he has problems with the way McCoy pulled up a horse who had broken down prior to a fence then he's really in the wrong game. Major sour grapes at the time from Nicholls.

In pulling up Cyborgo when he did he also took out one of his stablemates (Indian Tracker IIRC).
I don't agree, we all know how competitive racing is, Paul was a young ambitious trainer with a perfect potential Gold Cup winner in the race, going well. Perfectly normal reaction to be angry and peeved at circumstance. If he had just shrugged it off you would have to say that he was not hungry enough to have achieved what he has now.

He was always hot tempered and has grown up and mellowed.

An unfortunate incident, shit happens! Can't expect people to take it lying down though surely? At least Paul is honest about his feelings at the time.
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Nothing wrong with being angry in the right circumstances but when someone elses horse has broken down and in terms of pulling him up (this happened 50 yards before a fence) there was nothing else that could be done on Cyborgo short of kicking him into the fence despite being badly lame.
Nicholls was pissed off because he wanted AP to be his stable jockey and AP was lined up to join Pipe as it was clear that Pipe/Dunwoody would only be short term

Barber seems to have forgotten his Daniel wildenstein moment !