Nil By Mouth

Brave Inca

At the Start
Feb 7, 2006
Hi there

I have a friend who's having an operation next week. He's on nil by mouth and gets that he can't eat. But he doesn't know if he can smoke and I presume he wants to know about weed as well.

Can anybody here clue him up?

Cheers in advance!
Hi Dearest

So he won't be allowed to leave the ward then?


Lascia perdere! Successo cosa e un tempo, e hai chiuso mi primo sudafed inchiesta. Ipocrita!
Kots, he can leave the ward and be wheeled to the outside of the hospital, where, leper-like, he will be made to sit and ingest his fumes while the wild wind doth blow, and we shall have snow... cue pneumonia, respiratory failure, and death. Ah, well, he was missing his meals, anyway...

Anche, ho studiata la lingua Italiana, ma molte, molte, anni fa!