No Wonder the Empire is Gone

an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
It's hard to believe that there was a time that the sun never set on the British Empire and that you once organised D-Day and saved the world from tyranny. Nowadays you can't even organise a man with a bell.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Early-finish rider contrite as course looks at problem[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Published: 16/07/2008 (News) By Graham Green[/FONT] [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]WOLVERHAMPTON clerk of the course Fergus Cameron will consider whether any measures can be taken to prevent jockeys riding a finish a circuit early at the track, after Daragh O'Donohoe became the latest jockey to be embarrassed on Monday night.
While colleagues yesterday attempted to commiserate with O'Donohoe, reminding him of others to have made the same blunder at Wolverhampton, there was no consoling the rider, who is still unable to explain his mistake.
Riding Campli in the 1m6f handicap, O'Donohoe took the 16-1 shot to the front after a furlong and kicked off the home turn to go clear, before shouts from behind seemed to alert him to the error. After finishing last of 12, O'Donohoe was banned from July 28 to August 8.
"The whole thing is very embarrassing, and I'm kicking myself over it," said O'Donohoe.
"People have been trying to make me feel better, bringing up names of other jockeys who have done the same thing at Wolverhampton, and maybe something should be done to stop it happening there, but I can't think what got into my head.
"I've never made that mistake before and I always read up on my horses. I just can't explain it."
With Wolverhampton only a mile in circumference, every meeting has at least one race in which the jockeys pass the winning post twice. One possibility is that a bell could be rung at the start of the final circuit, as in athletics.
Cameron said: "We'll review the situation and investigate what could be done to reduce the risk of this happening again.
"We could investigate the possibility of a bell, although logistically we would have to work out how that could be done because everything is fairly streamlined at Wolverhampton, which races frequently. Everybody at the track has a role, and to create a new role, we would have to work out how to do it."
Why didn't he just say "We don't need to do anything except maybe contribute to a fund to help teach jockeys how to count to 2".
Just watched the replay on the ATR site. Funniest thing is the commentator missing it completely.
Why didn't he just say "We don't need to do anything except maybe contribute to a fund to help teach jockeys how to count to 2".

Precisely. It's not that damn hard - I'm sure they could even, at a pinch, manage to count to 5, they do after all have that many fingers to fold over!

Send the feckers to ride at our gaff - none of us ever forget how many circuits we're doing. It's hardly rocket science, fellas - we know you're cheese nibblers but still......
What good would the bell do, apart from maybe saving the jockey the embarassment of celebrating his faux victory.
Never been a cheese nibbler in my life, Colin! :D Cheese nibblers are the flat boys, pygmies are the rest....!

Sorry, our gaff = the yard I ride out at.