Non-PC tech query

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
We're thinking of submitting an offer on a property.

The house we've sold has a TV point in every room, which I specified at the time I designed it.

The house we're looking at doesn't. It has a 'communication hub' in the main lounge. It is a 2018 rebuild of an old property, built to a very high spec with proper guarantees.

However, the owner was unable to tell me if the communication hub meant I could watch TV in any room. He just said he only watches TV in the lounge.

I phoned the rebuild company but only spoke to a member of staff who was unable to help other than give me the name of the company who installed the hub.

I phoned them and spoke to a chap who assured me he would pass the message on to the 'install manager', but he hasn't got back to me either.

I was just wondering if some of the wizzos on here know anything about this kind of thing.

I really don't want to go into this place and start rewiring it for TV.
I suspect that the "communication hub" means the house is hard-wired for data points i.e. you will get an ethernet or Wifi access point presented in each room (the kharsi would usually be an exception in most gaffs).

If this is the case, I would recommend looking at options for Internet TV services, rather than reverting to old-school and getting someone in to run additional TV cabling to every room.

I would also consider whether you still want/need every room to have a TV connection.
Much appreciated, GH.

We don't need a TV in every room. We don't necessarily want a TV in every room.

The idea of a TV point (2 in a few rooms) in every room (plus a phone point in every room!) when we built this house was to future proof it and build in flexibility but Mrs O and I watch different stuff so we need at least two rooms for watching TV.
Variation on a theme.

We decided against the aforementioned property and have moved into temporary accommodation while our new build is under way.

However, we've hit a problem with this place.

There appear to be TV points in some rooms but they're not compatible with my coaxial connections.

They have what looks like a copper wire in the centre of the point. There's a label on the one in the living room that says 'splitter or broadband'.

The letting agent is being particularly evasive about it, leaving us completely in the dark as to how we are supposed to watch TV in the house.

Can anyone shed any light for us?

Thanks in advance.
I am fair chuffed with myself.

Customer services at my provider talked me through how to use my iphone as a mini-router which then enabled me to connect to the Internet.

I then managed to pair the phone with my laptop.

Tonight I experimented a little and managed to pair my TV with the iphone as well so I can now watch iplayer on the big TV. Only BBC stuff obviously but that's almost better than nothing. I can't access ITV etc because they want me to register with them and I don't want to go down that route with a commercial company. I don't trust them.

But at least I can watch something on the telly itself.

As I say, fair chuffed I am.
I am fair chuffed with myself.

Customer services at my provider talked me through how to use my iphone as a mini-router which then enabled me to connect to the Internet.

I then managed to pair the phone with my laptop.

Tonight I experimented a little and managed to pair my TV with the iphone as well so I can now watch iplayer on the big TV. Only BBC stuff obviously but that's almost better than nothing. I can't access ITV etc because they want me to register with them and I don't want to go down that route with a commercial company. I don't trust them.

But at least I can watch something on the telly itself.

As I say, fair chuffed I am.

... and now this morning for some reason it aint working.

Like having a winner taken off me in the stewards' room.
Fair play DO, you're a more resilient man than me. I'd have thrown the thing through the window by now :lol:
Check to make sure the phone is still paired with the TV, DO.

Paired with both my laptop and TV, as far as I can see, GH.

I can access the Internet and watch iplayer on my laptop but it looks like the TV is telling me the iphone isn't connected to whatever the big globe of the world is supposed to represent.

Fvck me, as I've been typing this and retracing my steps, it is now telling me I am connected and iplayer has reappeared on the telly.

I don't get it :blink:

Is it likely to be just temperamental stuff?