
Gamla Stan

At the Start
Aug 19, 2005
Did anyone see the ride of the Stoute newcomer in the 2.20 Lingfield?

Ridden by Ryan Moore, it drifted all day and was put out the back. Going well turning it, it steadily made up ground. The ride also looked incredibly sympathetic before he pulled it up as it was running into the places!

Don't like to make a habit of bringing these things up but it was just so blatant. I would hope a heavy ban is coming for Mr Moore but I suspect nothing will happen.
"Thought the horse made a noise, sir" is usually a popular selection from Column A, otherwise try Column B: "Seemed to lose her action coming into the straight." I thankggyew!
i do not like to say that as well, but what would you prefer? to see the sh** beaten out of it, first time out? before i forget saw the race and thought it was a very good ride, but then again I am not taking through my pocket.
It wasn't a good ride at all. Absolutely nothing wrong with giving a debutante a couple of cracks with the whip. It was a poor effort to steer it in between the second and third when he would likely have beaten the pair of them if pulled wide (always the best place to be at the track, as he realised when the money was down on Lemon n Sugar later on the card).

Although it wasn't the worst ride on the card. Culhane's effort on Alfresco was lauaghable. If the jockey had any past history, I would have wondered if perhaps it wasn't off.
I don't think it's unreasonable in a race such as this that if your horse is in a position to win then the jockey at least tries.

Something similar happened at Newbury a few weeks ago with Moore - he just didn't bother touching the horse. Fair enough if it's well out the back but when you're in with a chance of placing you should make the maximum effort or at least give a very good reason why you didn't (first run, schooling run, one for the future etc do not count).
I certainly wouldn't be backing a Michael Stoute newcomer crazyhorse so the allegations of talking through my pocket are bang wrong.

The horse would have placed if Moore had made the absolute minimum effort, he wouldn't have needed to "beat the sh!t out of it", he only needed to keep riding, he actually stopped riding when he was running on into the places.

He did not ride to achieve the best possible placing.

It was absolutely terrible and jockeys have got 14 days for less beforehand. No mention of it on ATR either, he'd have been torn apart on RUK and rightly so.
In marginal defence of Ryan Moore, he stopped riding when getting squeezed up between the second and third, and while going wide would have been preferable, his route home wasn't criminal. Otherwise, I must admit, the ride was decidedly inept.

Sometimes riders are a bit too keen to carry out their orders. Here's a great example: Fred Rimell saddled a runner with form figures FP0-PF in a novice chase at Cheltenham with stable jockey Terry Biddlecombe up. "Just hunt this **** round", Rimell told the champ. When everyone's favourite Worzel Gummidge impersonator returned after pulling up, he received both barrels from the master trainer. "I told you to go hunting, not to open every f***ing gate on the way round!" he stormed. It was a fair point, because the horse in question would have beaten Arkle at level weights only a few months later, but for capsizing at the second last in the King George. Funny old world,isn't it?