Now that YOU rule racing...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
... what would be the most important changes you will make - and why?

We have some superb discussions and hearty debates on here about so much: overproduction of foals, crappy prize money, whip use, bent jockeys, yard coups, dangerous fences, watering, the draw... I think pretty much every detail has been pulled out at some time or other for a good going-over. With YOU in control of racing, the Capo di Capi, the Godfather, The Man (or Woman), what changes do you want to see implemented right away?

I'll kick off with a couple that probably ought to be addressed at some point:

The Best Trip Game: seeing how this is played effectively by a couple of wily trainers, I'd make it a rule that debut horses would have to run at the same distance for the next three races before applying to run at a different length of race. I might therefore be able to cut down on form reading 000 over 6f, with a miraculous 1 in the fourth race - at 10f! The nonsense is always "I'm just trying to find her best trip", as another four weeks in Barbados is funded. You get four races at each level you put the horse into before being allowed to twit about with another.

The As You Like It NH Start: I want to do away with the kind of starts we've seen where a horse has been in the process of turning, a couple having a barging match, or one not yet run up to the field, all being let go, even with jockeys earnestly yelling "No, sir, no!". I wouldn't be fining any of the jockeys - I'd be fining the Starter and, after three strikes for any-old-how starts, he'd be history.
Get rid of off-course bookmakers, introduce a racing-run:blink::blink: exchange (if they look hard enough they should find someone capable of organising it).
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Sort out regional fixture clashes

More free admissions (surely if Towcester can make it work after all these years???)

Make Racing UK free to air...its a excellent showcase for the sport and would draw in new followers

(im sounding tight now)

Do something about Northern jumping. Doesnt affect me but its in a right state

Sort out Great leighs. Its not my end of london but there is definately a market for a racecourse in that part of the world

Put sprint handicaps at end of racecard so i can go home early
Hardly revolutionary, but off the top of my head I would introduce sectional timing at all UK/Irish racecourses and endeavour to print (accurate) sectional timings alongside traditional 'form' in racecards.
Get rid of off-course bookmakers

The main one for me. Now we have exchange betting we can feck the bookies off. But for that to be effective we'd need a couple of viable competitors for Betfair.

I'd also make some Group races into handicaps. Races like the Brigadier Gerard, Temple Stakes, King Edward VII. Nothing at Group 1 level - just some of the humdrum contests a bit below the top level.
Get rid of off-course bookmakers.

Would kill my livelihood, both as an employee and as a punter, can understand the arguments but totally inpractical.

I'd ban all horses rated below 70 from running under rules and improve prize money levels from cutting out the crap bent Class 6 races.

Centralise stewarding so it's all done by the same set of people centrally at the BHA rather than it being done by Maxwell and Rosemary from Saffron Walden. Then they might actually hold the odd enquiry to horses improving when backed into oblivion.
I know that's an exaggeration and most meetings now have a professional steward but we're a long way behind many other countries with our stewarding. So many questions don't get asked which should be and plenty of time is taken up with technicalities etc.
The flip side is ban racing forums, restrict racing journalism and continue with the status quo. Beat the public into submission until they learn to appreciate and savour it. Hu Jintao might have been on to something you know.
I know that's an exaggeration and most meetings now have a professional steward but we're a long way behind many other countries with our stewarding. So many questions don't get asked which should be and plenty of time is taken up with technicalities etc.

Hong Kong the way forward here..