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Ntl Problems.

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
My aged mothers NTL hardware seems to have given up the ghost and she has had appalling customer help. Apparently she has been spending hours on the phone to them over the last week and each time they begin a process of getting her to try various things to remedy the problem.They end up promising to ring her back and don't, telling her its 'out of their area' or just putting the phone down on her after being rude.

She's a fervent cricket fan and goes to Test matches on her own and has done since she was a kid. Called me in tears this morning as she missed last night. I have had someone visit her and they tell me that the hardware is definitely f@cked. I had NTL installed for her when it first became available and the contract is in my name. It is my annual birthday present to her and this apparently causes some confusion as one person told her that they could only deal with the named subscriber.

I know there are several on here who have had problems with NTL and would be grateful if anybody could give me a phone number that would get me through to someone who is sensible and can get things done.

Sorry, wrong forum! Could a mod move this to General chat. Ta!
Originally posted by Tout Seul@Dec 2 2006, 11:22 AM
I know there are several on here who have had problems with NTL and would be grateful if anybody could give me a phone number that would get me through to someone who is sensible and can get things done.

I think anyone whose ever had any dealing with NTL has been after one of those TS. The best thing to do I'm afriad is just find another telecoms provider (not Talk Talk, they're nearly as bad), and I'm still at war with them. Best of luck but NTL ares eriously poor
Your poor Mum, TS. :angry:

I had to speak to someone today about some business cards, and I had to repeat myself about 4 times on every spelling. I am sure I was talking to someone in India who was very polite but he didn't know what a "dash" or a "hyphen" was. I was getting frustrated, so goodness knows how your Mum must feel if she has to try and resolve an issue which is slightly confusing as she is not the person named on the bill presumably.

Remember, to stay polite but be firm and fully explain your predicament, if you are (really) lucky you may get the sympathy vote and someone will stay on the line with you until it is all resolved.

Good Luck. I hope she get's it sorted out... and with the cricket in mind.....soon!
Tout Seul - write immediately telling it as you have on here to:

Mr Neil Berkett
Chief Operating Officer
ntl Incorporated
Bartley Wood Business Park
RG27 9UP

and tell him that you just don't know where else to go in his organisation to obtain a solution.

It elicited some action in the ntl/Setanta saga and I'm sure that he'll get some action going.
I always think its an indictement of a telecoms company when you're reduced to writing to them. :lol: Talk Talk just ignore you though!!! I've offered to use carrier pigeons, smoke signals or fly past messages attached to light aircraft. I thought about placing a personal add in a national.

"Missing - if any see's, hear's, or know's of the whereabouts of Talk Talk's customer helpline please contact etc". Mind you, I'm sure I could have invented a more cutting description with a bit of thought
what exactly is the problem? I know a bit about ntl stuff and may be able to tell you what's up?

Also, unless you have had a fall out with him in the past, you might try sending phil a PM, as he may be able to help :)
There will be no better way to arrive at a swift solution to a service problem than invoking the assistance of the Chief Executive. He won't do anything other than give it to someone to sort out. They will do so because of who placed it on their desk. Take my word fot it.
Absolutely true - my father has being doing this for heavens knows how long and I was sceptical but it works . So does insisting on taking any difficult jobsworths name.
doesn't work with british gas :(
7 letters now (inc one to the ce) and not even a reply (from over 6 months!)
Stop paying your bill until it is sorted, Col. Wach how fast they send a letter then. You then ring them up and talk about your letters NOT theirs.
Originally posted by PDJ@Dec 3 2006, 05:12 AM
Stop paying your bill until it is sorted, Col. Wach how fast they send a letter then. You then ring them up and talk about your letters NOT theirs.
I did that, it does work, and i got them to ring me back. :P
You'll have to be careful though otherwise they'll put you on Special Arrangement number 94. That's the one where you don't give them any money - and they don't give you any gas.
British Gas are a nightmare - they messed me about for months and months a few years back over my electricity supply and fitting a new meter. After several pointless phonecalls (demands to speak to the person in charge got me nowhere) and a rather shitty letter to HQ (again ignored) I found that the only way I got any joy was to send the letter I sent them to the local papers. That got them moving instantaneously - I received a phonecall from the guy in charge within what must have been seconds of the journalists ringing him. Got a nice compensation cheque too!
Absolutely true - my father has being doing this for heavens knows how long and I was sceptical but it works . So does insisting on taking any difficult jobsworths name.

I'm so glad my Dad isn't the only one! :lol:

At 81, I think his favourite pastime is writing letters of complaint to sundry Chief Executives ...
Thanks for all the replies.
I do write letters, emails, etc to senior executives of companies to complain or compliment in equal amount. Some work some don't. Generally those, such as Brian's letter, that address basic comercial points that affect a large number of customers, are passed on with a note from the CEO. However if it is a specific complaint that is one of many hundreds that the company receives they are normally sifted out and just sent to Customer Service without any special attention.

There are of course exceptions but when the number of complainants is very large the CEO usually has many other problems to deal with, ie those that lead to the complaints.

I was after a swift and certain resolution and Colin's posting reminded me of Phil's postings on his experiences at NTL.I contacted Phil and told him how my own efforts had failed to make any progress and that Customer service at NTL had not done as they had promised. Phil offered to help and has quickly arranged an appointment for an engineer to call and ensured that they are briefed as to the problem.He has gone further, beyond my request, but I will not set precedents by discussing that on here. Very quick, very certain and very much appreciated.

As I see it, Phil has acted not in a special case but in the way he would handle any request from an NTL customer that he deals with, and in the way he would have his colleagues act. I am grateful and hopeful that his attitude is recognised and he prospers from it.

Most importantly my Mum is so, so very happy.
TS, are you referring to our very own, Phil Waters?

I assume you are, in which case, well done Phil and great to hear that TS's Mum is now able to watch her TV again.

I love a happy ending. B)
I am pleased that everything has now been sorted. I hope your mother enjoys the rest of The Ashes. I'm sure England will come back. :lol:
Phil put a great deal of effort and private time into resolving things which were made worse by the amalgamation of the NTL and Telewest systems.

Now if he could ensure the Ashes were retained :D
Originally posted by Tout Seul@Dec 9 2006, 07:15 PM
Now if he could ensure the Ashes were retained :D
Even God, Buddha, Krishna, Jehovah and that ther guy that it's best not to mention couldn't do that.

Though one of them might get in the side if Fletcher decided to leave out Giles.
Top work Phil. I assumed he has been absent on here for a few weeks as he is wreaking havoc over on the betfair forums. :P