Nude celeb photo's leaked online


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned, what do people think of this, apart from obviously showing how **** Apple security is.
Why are these slebs upset?

They took or allowed these photos to be taken of them.

If their bank account etc had been hacked I could understand the indignation but it's a bit rich posing in the scud for a photo and then being angry when people see it.
C'mon, DO.

A photo, unless you share it freely, is private property - the nature of the photo is none of our business, unless it is related to a crime; at which point it becomes evidence.

This is pure and simple theft, and it's not really on to suggest they had it coming to them.
Apple has confirmed that some celebrities' iCloud accounts were broken into, but says it has found no evidence that this was caused by a breach of its security systems.

Instead, the firm suggests perpetrators carried out their thefts by deducing victims' log-in credentials.

Sounds like little more than logging into a wordpress site with 'admin' and then getting some blast bot to throw the dictionary at it after you've exhausted a few of the obvious names
Apple has confirmed that some celebrities' iCloud accounts were broken into, but says it has found no evidence that this was caused by a breach of its security systems.

Instead, the firm suggests perpetrators carried out their thefts by deducing victims' log-in credentials.

Sounds like little more than logging into a wordpress site with 'admin' and then getting some blast bot to throw the dictionary at it after you've exhausted a few of the obvious names

Well a brute force attack is surely a breach of security? Especially when it was only available on the 'find my phone' login and they have now fixed the vulnerability. If it wasn't a security breach, then there would have been nothing to fix ;)
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Awwwww diddums :(

There are only two reasons why they could be upset.

1) They didn't get paid for what they already do.

2) Their utter stupidity has been thoroughly exposed. Who stores super secret pictures in a public space called a "cloud"???

I've seen the pictures and they're crap and totally unfapworthy. It's difficult to see what the hoohah over their hoohoos is about. Besides, anybody with access to Google would be able to find at least 25 hotter and dirtier porn actresses within the space of an hour. I wouldn't be surprised if a few on her could reel that many from memory.

If anything, these vapid attention whores should be flattered and grateful that a legion of basement dwelling neckbeards have decided endorse and validate their bodies by spilling some of their finite spunk with them in mind.
C'mon, DO.

A photo, unless you share it freely, is private property - the nature of the photo is none of our business, unless it is related to a crime; at which point it becomes evidence.

This is pure and simple theft, and it's not really on to suggest they had it coming to them.

Awwwww diddums :(

There are only two reasons why they could be upset.

1) They didn't get paid for what they already do.

2) Their utter stupidity has been thoroughly exposed. Who stores super secret pictures in a public space called a "cloud"???

If anything, these vapid attention whores should be flattered and grateful that a legion of basement dwelling neckbeards have decided endorse and validate their bodies by spilling some of their finite spunk with them in mind.

Regarding point 2, icloud isn't public, it's meant to be private, and there are millions of stupid people, as everyone I know with an iDevice backs upto iCloud, and the same could be said for Android devices that can autoback up to google servers.

Some of the 'celebs' (I use that term lightly cos some of them I've never heard of) have taken it quite well tbh and have made a joke about it, which is probably the best way, unlike that gymnast who has her lawyers sending out legal threats saying she was under 18 in the photo's, but at the same time, denying they are her.
Yeah, I meant public in the way that a bank is public - i.e not keeping valuables under your mattress/on a USB stick... I understand that image hosting sites would be deemed public in that sense...

Credit due to those "celebs" who are taking it in a light hearted slightly-red-in-the-face manner but I have no real sympathy either way.

I suppose it might be a generational thing because I would never dream of letting personal nudies slip anywhere I wasn't 110% assured of their discretion. These days, the kids essentially live their lives and bare their souls for literally all to see on twitter, facebook etc. It's almost a second nature to them which makes me worry for future generations.
Who leaked these pics?....................could be a job for Jim (JFK) Garrison

Film had done ok at the box office this will see DVD sales go through the roof.
Yeah, I meant public in the way that a bank is public - i.e not keeping valuables under your mattress/on a USB stick... I understand that image hosting sites would be deemed public in that sense...

Credit due to those "celebs" who are taking it in a light hearted slightly-red-in-the-face manner but I have no real sympathy either way.

I suppose it might be a generational thing because I would never dream of letting personal nudies slip anywhere I wasn't 110% assured of their discretion. These days, the kids essentially live their lives and bare their souls for literally all to see on twitter, facebook etc. It's almost a second nature to them which makes me worry for future generations.

Holes is spelled H O L E S not S O U L S :lol:
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