Oh, Big Ron - Will You Never Learn?


At the Start
May 3, 2003
Banstead, Surrey
Atkinson faces new race allegations

Press Association
Saturday January 22, 2005 12:08 PM

Football pundit Ron Atkinson is at the centre of new allegations of racism after being accused of insulting Chinese women.

Atkinson was speaking to more than 250 people at a fund-raising event at one of his former clubs, at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough Stadium.

He is said to have sparked outrage at the event after telling the audience: "The Chinese people have the best contraception in the world - but I can't understand why there's so many of them because their women are so ugly."

But Atkinson defended himself, telling the Sheffield Star newspaper: "I cannot believe anyone has complained about anything I said. I went there to help them out and to raise money. I stayed for ages and did photographs.

"I can't believe this - I just can't believe this.

"I can't say anything now. I've been ultra-careful about everything. It was an easy evening and everyone enjoyed themselves."
but I can't understand why there's so many of them because their women are so ugly."

Has he looked in his mirror lately ?

Not a race I come into contact with much but I live next door to a Chinaman and his wife, she is very attractive and nice to talk to.
I like Ron Atkinson. He has done alot for football, and also raises a lot of money for charity. Like Prince Phillip he does seem to put his foot in his mouth on occassions and can manage to upset a whole race in just one sentence. He is not a comedian but I am sure his comment was meant in jest but has backfired. The Press just jump on him from a great height after his last silly racist comment. I am not defending what he said, just wish people realise that he is just a bit of a buffoon sometimes but overall I think he is probably a really good bloke that doesn't realise that he needs to think before he speaks. Perhaps it's his age? :rolleyes:
He is just a feckin' eejit. Whether it's in jest or not, what does he expect? He has been hoping for rehabilitation after the last episode - he now has as much chance of getting back as a sports summariser as has Osama bin Laden.

"The Press just jump on him from a great height after his last silly racist comment
" So it's the fault of the press, is it - let's see exactly what he said:

Ron: "What in heaven's name was fucking Ranieri thinking in bringing Veron on?"

Second, unidentified voice: "He'll get savaged by the press.."

Ron [in an increasingly animated voice]: "Oh and fucking rightly so.

"And I'm sorry, but I fucking think that fucking Desailly is a cheating fuck. That was wrong."

[Noise from crowd and interference momentarily obscures Ron's voice...]

"He's fucking been gone for two and a half years! And instead of playing like an old man and saying 'alright I'll fucking stay where I can't get exploited'...

"I've always thought that he has no awareness of danger.

"He is what is known in some schools as a fucking lazy thick nigger."

[Still Ron, but now shouting]

"That is a fucking disgusting performance.

"Full marks to them though. They were fucking different class."

Yeah, Ron did nothing wrong - it's the bloody media's fault for reporting it...
That should help quite a bit in revising many peoples' opinion that football is the game of choice for fascist pigs.
Brian, I still hold the same opinion and he has been rightly punished for that very offensive rascist outburst. He clearly lost it big time, and OBVIOUSLY didn't realise it was being recorded.... BUT he has paid the price.
But he still can't fathom out why he has had to pay the price! Advised by a PR firm he has been working towards rehabilitation - not too successfully in my opinion - and then he throws in the joke in his Sheffield speech at a charity do. I repeat my highly skilled analysis of his personality profile - he's a feckin' eejit.
There's loads of guys around of that age with racist views. You won't change them now. Better to focus on how much things have improved in this country and to keep moving forwards, than to focus on these dinosaurs.

If it were a comparable 40YO who said it then I'd be more concerned, but he's not on the telly any more so what the hell does it matter what he says?
i quote brain h

I repeat my highly skilled analysis of his personality profile - he's a feckin' eejit.

and prince agrees with you 100%

i quote terry

so what the hell does it matter what he says?

a it matters a lot to the people he humiliates with his rascist comments (and rascists comments are meant to humiliate people)

and it is true there may be a lot ofpeople of his age with similar views but that dosnt make it right and their age donst make them any less offensive

and of course many with his views may at least have the sense to keep them to their selves rather than air them publicaly for all to hear

and lets face attending a publicity event for a charity he must have had an idea he would be courting publicity for himself
Prince, I am aware that there of people, particularly amongst Big Ron's generation, who have these views. It is clear to all that these views are unacceptable but these guys live in the past. They don't necessarily keep their views to themselves. Ron presumably thought that this was funny in a Bernard Manning sort of way and I suppose that it isn't the most offensive thing that he could have said, but the fact is that you can't rely on him to broadcast live on TV.

I don't think that making a song and dance over Ron's comments helps in the overall scheme of things. Better to look on the positive side and recognise that racial attitudes have improved greatly in this country, when compared to most if not all of England's neighbours.
i am well over sixty and i don't share RA's views.Your comments,if made publicly would no doubt,result in a decrease in traffic through your office door.
I agree with brian.

Ron doesn't seem to have realised yet that the coments which ended his punidtry career also ended his freedom to make jokes which, as TDK ingferred, would pass unnoticed.

If you've got ''previous'' for bank robbery, wyou don't walk into a bank with a stocking over your head for a ''larf,'' if you've got ''previous'' for being racist, you don't make jokes like the one Atkinson made unless you want to drag it all up again.
Derek, I don't have a clue what you are talking about and nor do you, I suspect.

I thought that we all knew that he was an idiot. So he's an idiot again. How many times can you actually be noticed as an idiot? He'll be an idiot again I'm sure. That's because he's an idiot.
Derek you seem to delight yourself with a deliberately obtuse approach at times.

For the sake of clarity, my opinion is that the attitude of Big Ron are more likely to be represented within his own age group than younger groups. I know of people with such attitudes and most of them are that sort of age. Obviously that doesn't mean that everybody of that age group holds similar views, but then again I think that you know that this is what I mean.
I have to agree with Terry. Some idiots actually mean well, BUT if you ask Ron, he probably still doesn't really know why there is such a big fuss about another of his buffoon, off the cuff remarks. My Dad is from a similar era (he was 70 yesterday), and he is not a rascist but he does come out with the most embarrasing remarks at times, but he is 100% harmless. He doesn't buy into political correctness, he just says what he thinks, and means absolutely no harm by what he says. That's probably where I get my sometimes feisty nature from. Mind you, my Dad is not in the public eye either...and has definitely got worse as he had got older. You have been warned. B)
i might get into more trouble now,

You may say obtuse/oblique or right angle,or whatever.

In two posts you connected people of my age and racism.You were wrong to do so.

You could have got you point over adequately by saying that Big Ron made racists remarks (twice) and that he is a right effing whatever and left the age thing out of it.

allthough there is still racism around it is less than it was 20 or 30 years ago

and most youngster pick up their racism from what they hear their elders and peers say

so derek whether you agree or not terry did have a valid point in mentioning age
What an absaloute tosser! and the documentary showed nothing exept that he is an even bigger tosser than most people thought. What if it wasnt made public? What if it was just, lets say, a colleuge that heard the racist remarks and suggested he go on some anti-racism spree...would he? would he bollox!

The age thing has nothing to do with it IMO. Yes, maybe its true that these views are more common amongst people of his age but surely that can in no way be used as an excuse?

Martin Luther King said that "if you are not part of the soloution, then you are part of the problem"

I would urge anyone who hears anything like the remarks RA has made to challenge them immediately.
when was the last time you saw a 63 year old white male kicking the crap out of a black person?

what is your point exactly

have you decided on an age where people are not responsible for their actions or events that result from their actions