Oil for Info

  • Thread starter Thread starter Goodkat
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As if you don't have enough trouble in preparing your final report to BHA Chairman Paul Roy on the so-called "Oil-for-Info Scandal," now the Jockey Club has jumped the gun and indicted British oilman Goodkat Jnr and his Goodkat Holdings company. For what? For paying "illegal kickbacks" to Dubai in order to extract information from foreign trainers to report back to accociates in the West. The idea is to establish in the public mind, valuable information regarding hot runners that they would otherwise be unaware of. Our press corps of course does not help by writing story after story that funds paid to the UAE government, roughly 2.5 percent of that charged to companies like Goodkat Holdings, were "kickbacks" and not legitimate "fees." If they didn't pay the fees, they wouldn't have gotten the info. I've been waiting for your final report to be published and make it clear that Dubai not only had every legal right to charge fees for the taking of the info, it charged the fees to every company in the world that was engaged in the program. After all, Paul, do not forget that the info belonged to the government of Dubai in custody for its people. That's the way it works throughout the Racing world.

The latest info it seems, has been recieved and Goodkat Jnr of Goodkat Holdings released a statement earlier today. "We would like to bring to the attention of the racing public, the latest hot runner in Dubai, Monsieur Joe, currently available at 9/1, and we would urge the betting public not to worry, and assure them that this service will continue regardless of attempts to sully its reputation."