Old Bookmakers


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Gearoid is online and will remember....what was the name of the old bookmaker site that used to price up all the Irish meetings (each race) the night before....it is wrecking my head.

It was always a good laugh to watch the site late and noght. They would open horses around the RP tissue before the Betfair market was the marker. Horses backed from 9/4 into 4/6 etc etc.

They were also the first firm, that I became aware of anyway, that would restrict punter to pennys after a few bets.
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I presume that suicidal policy was done away with pretty sharpish or they went under?

Can't think of anything more stupid.
They went under. I think they just put a message on the site one day. I think people owed money got paid. Id say every be they laid at night was to the trade.
Actually after reading your post again im wrong. You are referring to chronickes im sure. you could get the prices on aertel for the irish meetings from around 6pm on in the winter.
If the business was managed better they could have cleaned up -remember they were one of the first online bookmakers.I'm sure everyone got paid in the end -I think the owner lost everything -o'Halloran was his name.
If the business was managed better they could have cleaned up

I don't see how anyone can hope to price up maidens and bumpers 24 hours in advance, even using extortionate overrounds, with only the RP tissue as a guide and expect to make money.
They were one of the first on the internet and as mad as it seems at one stage they were better known then betfair or any of the exchanges.Overounds and restrictions should have ensured profitability.
I used to always have Luvbet open, it made looking at the form for the next days racing much more fun as you had a tissue to go on. Now with betfair its cat and mouse over night. Ive long given up looking at the current days racing nevermind the following days.
I used to always have Luvbet open, it made looking at the form for the next days racing much more fun as you had a tissue to go on. Now with betfair its cat and mouse over night. Ive long given up looking at the current days racing nevermind the following days.
I'm sure everyone got paid in the end -I think the owner lost everything -o'Halloran was his name.

It was late in 2002 Luvbet went under, they owed me £190 and I remember having a few laughs with Alan (Moggie) over it at the time. . . . .

NOBODY was paid out . . . . or was I the only one :o ??? !!!

I read an article where the owner claimed he had lost everything but everyone else had been paid-obviously far from the truth.
Anyone remember sp racing in Harrow -I got stung for a few quid with them.