On the subject of ex-racehorses....


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
I wouldnt normally do this, but please can people who are on facebook click on this link and like the picture of my friends horse CHester, so that hopefully he wins some feed?? He was a point to pointer who wasnt good enough, so they got him a few years ago - and hes now a successful eventer who writes a column for Eventing magazine...

The woman just behind my mate in the comp has started sending nasty messages to my friend about the competition and Chester - so we are doubly determined now to sort her out !!!! :lol:


thankyou people (PLEASE vote !!!!)
He certainly was a poor scrap of a thing when he came to your friend, Troods. I don't know how you 'like' the picture - I can't see anything on the link to click on. Help!
He was bless him. And now hes a big daft orange irish lump!!! Sorry I didn't see this earlier kri!! It's finished now and he won (by 4 votes!!!!)
So thankyou to anyone from here who voted for him - it truly is appreciated
(actually, you would probably enjoy his column, will find it and email you the link!!!) xx
Look forward to seeing it, Trudles. It's gotta be one helluva big keyboard he uses for typing with those hooves! Probably an Apple.
William Pox-Spot and Feeble Bucknees! That's very funny stuff - he looks fabulous, and what a change from that poor wee rat he looked in the Before photo. Polos all round to those who brought him on so well, Troods.