One Alone


At the Start
May 2, 2003
She tuns in the first at Huntingdon today, still on ground probably softer than she would like but she's fit and well and has to go somewhere!
Jr thinks she has come on for the run the other week, and provided it doesn't turn too soft, hopeful she runs well.
Well, she looks fine at the moment but got well caught up in the fall of that filly in front of her, unfortunately, got stopped and lost her momentum and interest. She also definitely does not like soft ground. I thought she jumped OK and maybe it might have been a better idea for the jockey to have not stuck to the inside as she was wearing blinkers but even so, I would have been better pleased if she'd stuck to the job better.

She won't come out now until the ground changes to 'good' unless we can get a run on the AW somewhere.
I don't think that asking her to jump a fallen piece of hurdle did her much good either and she slipped on it . Why do jockeys do that ?
The only reason I can think of is that theoretically it should be easier to jump 3ft across like with a fallen hurdle than 3ft vertically which would be the upright hurdle. What I definitely don't agree with is jockeys switching horses just yards before the hurdle just to go through a fallen part.
I saw One Alone today at JR's Open Day so thought some of you might like an update on her. She sadly had a snotty nose but otherwise looked very well and was quite skittish in her stable. I couldn't give her a cuddle as she was the only one 'with a nose' and we didn't want to pass it around.

JR told me she'd arrived in such a terrible state that it's always going to be hard to keep her fit, as she'd got so deeply run down; and with the tendon injury she really ought to have been shot... But she has 'lovely breeding' and he's persevering with her; and hopes she'll make a brood mare in the end. From what he said I got the idea he owns her now - is this the case Songsheet, Krizon? Anyway, she's a lovely looking filly - very fine head! She's in very good hands; I must say JR's horses all looked quite magnificent.
ONE ALONE is now JR's and he hopes to be able to send her to one of the French National Stud stallions next season. She was always a very good-looking filly but her sire was not my choice!

I have to say my immediate reaction when I was told how badly she's broken down was that she should be destroyed as this was her third injury and my views on breeding from non-winners and unsound horses are pretty well-known on here but, like JR, I also knew she'd had the most unlucky racing history, she posseses great conformation, her siblings have all been ultra-sound horses, so she does have 'excuses'.

She also has a great temperament and was always a very loving youngster - I saw her a couple of days after she went to JR's and I was incensed by her condition and her previous trainer got a very telling email. She's been sent to a satellite livery yard after her 2yo season.... She came home for nearly a year after her first minor tendon injury (at the end of her 3yo year) and she was a pleasure to have around. I have a feeling JR will get some good foals from her and we all wish him the very best of good fortune with her from now on.
Thanks for that Songsheet. The Auvrays are chums and I'll keep an eye on her progress.
Missed it elsewhere if it's mentioned, but might be of some interest to some forumites:

from JR's Website
(follow link for a pic too)

One Alone has finally had her foal, a lovely colt by Bachir. It is the custom in France to name foals almost the minute they are born, so we have submitted Direct Line and Mercury Rising to France Galop for their approval. Bachir means messenger in Arabic and as Mercury is the God of messengers we thought that was a good choice - we saw an advert for Direct Line insurance on TV and thought that would be a good name too! In France you are required to submit 3 names but we could only think of two so hopefully one of them will be accepted.