One Of The Protesters In Parliament..


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Those of you who follow the breeding side of racing will know David Redvers - he's a well-known bloodstock agent and runs Tweenhills Stud where Lady Rebecca now resides (David bought her).

Not the brightest light on the street and he was one of the idiots who landed up in Parliament yesterday and is currently now residing in jail..... Don't think he reads the Telegraph - not sure he reads anything other than sales catalogs, Horse and Hound and Playboy, probably. But there again, he's not a fat person either and no more a toff than Ardross is - just misguided, I suppose!
I don't read any of those three august organs !

No more of a toff than me ? That makes him high society Toots.

On another note they have been questioned with regard to serious offences
Honestly, James - Redvers is one of those slightly irritating but harmless blokes you meet every day and hardly someone you would have down as an anarchist - I admit, he could be a bit of a Hooray Henry thinking about it but Tim Nice
But Dim is more like it. I was gobsmacked when I was told he was one of those arrested (along with his Best Man!).

The thing to remember about the Tim Nice But Dim's of this world is that we'd all be nice if life had dealt us a royal flush instead of ten high. :lol:

My father, who (get this) is even chippier than me was once at a dinner party and someone remarked (I paraphrase) of a well-heeled other guest: ''that multi-millionaire's a nice bloke, actually.''

My father replied: ''Nice? Nice! I'd be fucking nice if I was a multi-millionaire, it's because I'm broke [which actually he isn't - far from it] that I'm such a miserable bugger.'' :lol:
Her indoors has always fancied Bryan Ferry and it seems that his son organised this.

She tells me that Ferry and his family were on some plane that was hijacked a few years back, so maybe the guy has become 'active'.

Also Bryan Ferry was the son of a farm worker or something, and his dad was also a miner at some stage.
I knew the "Royal" chef quite well when I lived in Newmarket - really nice bloke- but had a bad gambling problem. Totally didn't seem the sort of person who would do this, but as they said it was pretty much planned on the back of a cigarette packet in a pub - that sounds far more like him - 2am, gettting pissed & ignoring his phone from his now ex-wife (she left him because he gambled the social away) - brilliant chef though.
James - hope you're jesting here B)

While they broke the law with regard to being somewhere they shouldn't, if none of them have any previous convictions, then I would suggest that it would be very suspect if any of them received actual jail sentences.

I may not have the full facts but I don't believe any of them were violent when arrested?

Actually, they deserve some recognition from the members of the House of Commons for highlighting just how appalling the security (or lack of it) is there... They were very fortunate that it was pro-hunting protesters and not Al Qaeda... (can't spell that!).
One of the girls in my office, her boyfriend works as a chef at the pub Nr. Maidenhead where some of this was evidently plotted. It just happens to be the pub Michael Parkinson owns, and is run by his son Nick! Small world eh?