One Of The Tribe

I saw the programme, AC - it was very, very good. Bruce Parry has some bottle, he's game for most things! It was great to see how the Kombai tribe he stayed with went from viewing him with distrust to start with to getting genuinely upset went he left them.
Shads- did you see that scene when the tribal man but the wrong bug in yer mans ear to clean the wax out - and then broke his arse laughing at him for about 5 minutes.

Maybe it suits my strange sense of humour but I think thats the funniest thing I ever saw on TV.
I believe the maggot was pretty disgusted with being stuffed into a human ear, too. It usually eats flower petals and then turns into a magnificent butterfly. I'm afraid word's got round the lepidoptera that humans are revolting creatures.
Yup, AC, that bit was amusing, alright! The look on his face watching everyone rolling around in hysterics as the wrong (& massive) maggot was crawling about in his ear followed by "Ow! He's got big pincers!"......very good! He was right, too - one of those fellas was a born comedian, always larking about & giggling, very entertaining. Looking forward to next week - I think it's the one where he's undergoing his induction to be a witch doctor, being fed up to the eyeballs with hallucinogenic drugs & the like.
Yup, I thought so too, AC. Bruce Parry is very, very, good, he comes across exceptionally well. He was clearly affected very much by the memories drudged up by ingesting those roots, powerful stuff.
It was the last in the series of this programme last night, it was again very good. In it Bruce Parry was initiated as a shaman, which involed him inducing yet more hallucinogenic subtances - he'll be a wreck before long! Very amusing was the part where he was knackering himself chopping a load of wood on his own whilst the women of the village were sat on the floor watching him a few yards away, chatting (it is usually the women of the village who chopped the wood) - the conversation went something like -

-I guess we should help him

-Yes, could do...

followed by them all laughing & staying sat on the floor watching him!