One Very Unimpressed Parrot....

Shadow Leader

At the Start
Nov 9, 2003
Had my neighbour's cat in today for a mozy around (and hoping that Speedy would clock him & disappear) and she decided she quite fancied a parrot for lunch. Parrot was exceptionally unimpressed and was growling louder than a large dog whilst the cat still thought she was in with a chance of taking her down - she'd have been pretty shocked to discover that beak hurts......


(cat last seen pressed up against the front door on leaving flat earlier......)
:eek: ohhhhh S-L you can become so catty when you want too??? :P :laughing: it could have come as a CAT-STROPHE to this moggie if he did get in the cage????

how olds the bird???? the one in the cage I meant ???? :)
I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

I am unhappy to confirm that this doesn't apply to parrots. Well, at least this one. The cat would have been mincemeat. Just hope it caught the mouse.