Online Auction:

Yeah, doesn't look the happiest. Surroundings are pretty grim. Lot of stuff chucked about. I've got Winning Ways on the website. Have not had a single enquiry from it which is unusual.

Oh dear... :(

You can see it's ribs, and whoever is trying to sell this horse has absolutely no idea what they are doing. Probably a bigger story to this.
The vendors, along with the website producers, should be shot for allowing such horrendous photographs on their website! Who with a braincell in their head thinks they are going to sell a horse not being stood up properly, in a shitty location with all sorts of crap lying around, and with a photographer with the skills of a three year old behind the camera?!?!?!?

I agree that the horse doesn't look the greatest but it doesn't look like it's been treated badly, it's just lacking in condition and is highly unlikely to sell to anybody with a working eye in their head. It's ever so narrow too - and I thought my boy was narrow, he's three times as wide as that!!!
Oh, and as far as the viability and success of the business is concerned, I can hear them in the Dragon's Den already :

"Well, I'll tell you where I'm at. I'm definitely out of this one!"

Why on earth anyone thinks that a website selling racehorses is going to catch on is beyond me. Who in their right mind would buy a horse, not least a youngster, without seeing it, feeling its legs and checking its conformation firsthand beforehand??
Precisely - you'd be hard pressed to think it worthwhile forking out £1k for him, I've seen better go at Ascot sales for £500!!!!

What does this website think it's playing at?

And how can he be the product of a mating between two stallions? I suspect the people selling the animal might be fraudsters.
Now. Venusian, what on earth makes you think that....??


On looking up Highest Honor (and Highest Honour) I found a horse, two geldings and one of unspecified sex.

Besides which, the animal barely strikes me as being thoroughbred, let alone a Sulamani! I know even the best stallions throw crap but that looks to me like it is the product of two pikey horses of unspecified breeding!
Yes it does look like a pikey set-up doesn't it LOL
Poor wee thing, he doesn't look very happy - but if he is a Sulamani, why has he been gelded already?!!
It's quite upsetting in fact, he's painfully thin as becomes clear if you click on the rest of the photos... And his rear hooves are quite splayed out so he'll never make a galloper [see rear view]

Apparently the Elite yearling colt by Sulamani [o/o Kaybail] isn't at all impressive - weak, backward and in need of special feeding up; iirc he was removed from the others to stop him running around. In photos he looks very weak behind and I think his legs aren't quite right either
:suspect: I must be missing some pictures - hes not great, but the pics I can see he certainally isnt what Id call painfully thin - though he has absolutely no chest on him - and I cant see any of his hooves well enough to know if they are splayed or not... and theres no pic where hes standing up properly,or even on the flat,so I dont know that anyone can say wether hes "right" or not from those - youd think theyd make an effort to make him look not cow-hocked (or sickle hocked,whichever one of them he is!!) for the pics....

Hes got a nice kind face and eye though, an a pretty tail... but hed need a lot more than that before hes worth 8k !!

we shall see. Me thinks he will have his price dropped soon....
I think that where he is so very narrow, he looks thinner than he is, and where he is still hairy with a winter coat, that too makes them look a bit skinny sometimes. The winter coat tends to make the ribs a little more prominent and even though you can see his ribs you can on most horses unless they're very fat! He's lacking in condition, my guess is that he's been dragged in out of the field not long before those pictures; he certainly doesn't look like he's had much of a groom, his tail desperately needs cutting and his mane desperately needs pulling which adds to the poor look.

As for his conformation, short of it being obvious to a blind man that he's narrower than narrow, you can tell hardly anything about him as he's not being stood up properly in any of the pictures and whoever the idiot behind the camera is, they've taken photos of him in mid-turn as well as still walking!
Its funny - I emailed both the website AND the vendor over three weeks ago (for further information and asking who the Sire and Dam are....) but I havent had a reply yet....

the website people were quite helpful at teh start, and said they were goign to check with Weatherbugs - but Ive not had any reply yet...

Cant think why...

Hes still on there and still 8k - por lad!!
Originally posted by trudij@May 23 2008, 08:53 PM
Id like to know who on earth would pay 8k for him....
I think it will be that the reserve is 10k and the "auctioneer" has bid up to 8k, rather than anyone actually bidding. This happens at Doncaster quite a lot.