Open Meet-up

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I've been in touch with our old mate Diver about a meet-up in the car park before the Open Meeting on the Saturday. He and his mates are willing to resurrect the champagne 'guzzle' in the Cheltenham car park on the Sat morning and wanted to know if there's any interest among the 'old school' on the forum. We need to gauge the level of interest so if you intend joining us can you add your name to this thread?

It's a couple of years at least since I was there but I remember the last meeting very fondly. From memory, the attendees managed to bring about a dozen bottles of champagne (the real stuff!) between us and Diver and Co also weighed in with some lovely trout and other goodies.

I remember feeling rather light on my feet for the rest of the day and evening (we met again after racing to finish off the provender).

Obviously, the sooner we get an idea of numbers the better so please let us know.
I spent 6 hrs in Cheltenham A&E just after the 1st race[NO was not the trout or champers either] having been knocked out[COLD] for the first time in my life[no,no blows but I had a trapped nerve in my back & right leg] having taken a prescribed medicine ...
Just bumping this.

I'm surprised at the lack of response!

Shadow Leader, Jinnyj, Exiled Yorkie, Headstrong, Maruco, Terry, Lord H, etc... (apologies if I've forgotten anyone - especially if I owe you a drink!) Where are you?
I'll certainly be there, and very much looking forward to it. Seeing some old faces would be good, more the better if there are one or two young ones as well. :D
Is this restricted to 'old school' only ?! I'm going, I really like champagne, and can add a bit of female perspective to the day's proceedings, though would have to bring the husband along too :-)
I will be at Cheltenham on Saturday but working unfortunatly so will have to keep off the "champers" but hope you all have a great day at the track :)

Lets hope the weather warms up a bit we dont want any frost, presumably the covers will be put on the track if a frost predicated?:confused:
Is this restricted to 'old school' only ?! I'm going, I really like champagne, and can add a bit of female perspective to the day's proceedings, though would have to bring the husband along too :-)

As long as you both bring champagne I'm sure you'll be welcome :D
Still juggling work and financial priorities, but hope to be there - esp as it's also the FF 10th Anniv meet-up... Which could (make that WILL) make it an expensive weekend!
Hoping to combine racing with initial stage of house hunting in the villages around Cheltenham. Need to work out how deal with drink/drive problem but would hope to find a solution. If so would would be nice to meet up with some old friends and a few others I haven't met before.
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Driving to Oxford and back for the FF do on Sat evening so the drinking is definitely out and not sure what the FF arrangements are for a meet up inside the course on Sat either. Hopefully will be able to slip out and say hello.

Are we talking the South car park like once before i.e. near the horseboxes ?
I'm hoping to meet some FF folk as well. Will be very keen to meet Tout Seul and Diamond Geezer as I haven't met them yet.
I'll be there but never sure what time, and am working on stand for Chelte ham racing Club so also not sure of rota and timing. No champers for me either, have a longggg drive back to Devon and anyway I am teetotal these days!

Would like to say hello though if we arrive in time.

Will also be finding the FF gang inside to say hello.
I have a few friends who are members or ex-members of Charlie's racing club I suspect you would know Isinglass. In fact it's possible our paths will have crossed at some time in the past.

Congratulations with Dillay Brook yesterday by the way.

I won't be there after all.

I need the weekend to try and sort out a new car after last week's accident.

Maybe next year?