Perhaps It's The Weather.

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
..... or is it worthless ante-post vouchers for Cheltenham?

There seems to be an unusually high number of instances of little spats on the forum over recent days.

The reason I am a Forum member is that I love the sport of horse racing and enjoy reading the comments and views of other that share my passion. I don't contribute as much as some but then many on here are more knowledgeable than I or have closer connctions to the action. My enjoyment of football comes a close second to racing but I only spend a short time on any football sites, as even though my knowledge of that sport is possibly greater than my knowledge of racing, I find them generally to be full of blinkered, abusive and puerile posters.

This site is probably up on my PC 15 hours a day on average and I enjoy the racing and other chat which is generally interesting, frequently informative ,often witty and sometimes hilarious.I have made some good friends on here and got to know a number of others on what I would call 'nodding terms'.
It's just like going down to my local pub to watch football. I'll walk through the bar, nod to some people, stop and say hello to others and then join my friends.When a game is on there will be lots of comments from all parts of the bar, some are interesting,some are informative,some witty,some stupid, some can even be unpleasant. As would most people I ignore the stupid and unpleasant ones( unless I can come up with something witty- a rare occurence). I would not go and confront someone or try to belittle someone because it's a place I go to because I'm comfortable in that pub. I don't have to prove anything to anyone and there is a general understanding. If someone is out of order then it would be quietly pointed out to them and probably they would apologise next time they came in.

Anyway I suggest that people try to think of the forum as their favourite local and chill out, lighten up, or get merry before jumping on any real or imagined fault,dig bias, whatever!