Phoenix Tower

And a very quick time too by Phoenix Tower bolted up. Didn't see Light Shift but smart to beat the colts

And highly creditable efforts from Angel Kate and Brisk Breeze too .
Henry has shorn his locks, got a fine suntan, lost that dissipated skin-folded mein, and is looking altogether much more the ticket. He looks years younger. 2 x winners and a 2nd today [at least] at Nby - great stuff
Two seconds . I hope he can recover fully from his cancer as it seems that things are on a definite upswing . The roof will come off if Passage of Time wins the Oaks
I did as our conversation at Bath stated but I'm just a wee bit gutted, the extra furlong half put me off slightly and didn't go mad. Had it been the Donny Mile he ran in, it would have been a new wardrobe instead of new jeans Colin :laughing:

Must say I was impressed, I'm more happy with my 16s for the Lockinge though, just please god don't get boxed in again :laughing: