Photos, County Kerry Ireland


At the Start
Jun 3, 2003
The West Country
Muttley and I went to County Kerry to explore the geography and nature of this wonderful part of Ireland. We were totally spoilt by Mother Nature who treated us both to some spectacular scenery and amazing wildlife. Hope you like the photos.

Packhorse bridge near Staigue Stone Fort

Riders near Lamb's Head

Heath Spotted-orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata

Looking across to the Beara

Common Hawker Dragonfly

Inch Beach

View along the Ring of Kerry.

We had a roost of Pipistrelle Bats in the house and this little fella found his way into the pantry.

The view across to MacGillycuddy's Reeks.

Fishing boats near Ross Castle, Killarney.

A few more piccies to come..........................
Walking along the river near Ross Castle, Killarney, this chap popped his head through the trees at us and just demanded to have his photo taken!!

Skyline shot.

Guagan Barra

This was in Dingle. A very nice chap.

Scottish sheep in Ireland.

Fungi the Bottle Nosed Dolphin of Dingle Bay. He has resided there since 1983!!

The view from the Connor Pass.
Love the pics - likewise especially the boats - think you should be entering the Countryfile calendar comp at the very least.
I like the deer and the bat.

I think you should have put the bat on Muttleys head to give us an idea of scale! hehehe :lol: :P :lol:
Love the picture of the deer. Which are supposed to be the dodgy ones. They all look great to me.
I think you should have put the bat on Muttleys head to give us an idea of scale! hehehe

Funnily enough, it could have been done. We actually had two bats come in on two different nights - both of them got themselves into difficult situations and had to be rescued (just call us batwoman and robina, folks!). The second one decided he wanted to use my head as a launch pad, so he crawled out of my hand, along my arm, up my back and had just got to my hair when Dims rescued him (or me, not quite sure which :D )
I think I'll call you Dimuttley when you're both snappers - can't tell the difference, gals, they're beautiful photos. I'm predisposed towards the Pip because I adore bats, and am SO envious that you got to handle them. The boats picture is exquisite. Everyone's right - you really ought to enter these up in comps, especially Countryfile, etc., they're really, truly, madly outstanding! Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. I love the 'Stop Fuelling War' carter! :D
Ah I took a look at that Country File comp and its for the U.K only.
Thanks for the kind comments, I reckon bewteen us we have about 1,000 photos of County Kerry. If you have never been you should try it. Everyone is friendly, the scenery is fantastic, food and drink is excellent and as you can see we had great weather, what more could two gals ask for........oh and the racing was great fun!!! :D