Please Read - Important


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
I'm going to be pruning the forum later today, removing all posts that haven't had a reply in the past 90 days.

If there are any old posts you want to keep as a reference or anything please reply to them - just put bump or something, and that will stop them being deleted
I hope you won't discard any threads on some of the top races or horses - even if they are not currently active, it's always useful to be able to refer back to them next time around!

Also on 'forum horses' like Stargazy and Bay Hawk etc etc
Everything will be deleted unless you reply to them I'm afraid

I don't have time to search for loads of threads and bump them all, its to do with the forum upgrade though if that makes anyone feel better :)
That might sound harsh but was up till 3am installing the new forum on new server, and trying to export this one over, then been working on it again this morning.

The database is too big to upload to the new server so I have to reduce the size, or we stay here with the same hosts - which I'm sure people don't really want (nor do I after I paid for everything yesterday :eek: :eek: )

Sorry :(

If I do manage to get the full db moved over without deleting any posts then obviously I will, but it's looking unlikely at the moment.
The problem I fear is that we'll only realise we wanted to keep it when it's gone missing. Anyway, if it improves connectivity it's got to be worth it. I want to retain anything that has the words Natagora or Rail Link in it :D although I'm more than happy to have a few airbrushed from history
Originally posted by an capall@Jul 1 2008, 07:48 PM
Can we keep all the topics where a 'name' was dropped? Or would that take up too much space?
I agree with that ~ and I spoke to Dr Vincent O'Brien earlier and he concurs. He also said I was "a great fella altogether".