

Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
One of the very few courses I havent been to in the south (before today) and cant understand why

A lovely venue and great atmosphere. Great setting and a real closeness to action. Loved it (although as ever catering could be better :mad:)

Expect a krizon response now....

Is there a nicer small course in the country ?
No is the answer to that IMO.

Didn't think I'd like it too much when I first moved down here but it's a really great atmosphere, same folk each time you visit, regular trainers and the like - the likes of Wondersobright turning up nearly every meeting and easy as you like to get to (particularly from London by train).

Glad you enjoyed your day out there Clive - very compact but a great little track which thanks to the new £50,000 bonus is now getting some quality horses running there.
I wish I'd known you'd be there, Clivex! I took Minsterman, who was desperate for clear skies for his snapping activities, and it would've been nice to have said 'hallo' and even 'fancy a drink?'

It's actually a £60,000 Cheltenham bonus, Martin! So far, BOUGGLER and MEDERMIT qualify.

It's everything that Stamp says, except it usually has a bitterly cold micro-climate, not in evidence today, or a sodden infield (and often track to match), making parking a tractor-in, tractor-out affair. You can also roam to the other side of the track and stand right by any of the jumps - personally, now I don't work there any more (or very rarely), I like to walk up the hill of the final straight to the jumps by the top there - you'll probably be the only person there if you do! - which gives a fantastic view of the whole course to the distant white windmill at North Chailey, and shows you the horses very closely, then dodge across to the far side and watch from the top o'the hill jumps again, as they line up for that swooshing downhill run and the two obstacles ahead.

Fontwell Park, ironically during the year they used the inappropriate logo 'get closer to the action' pushed its infield watchers further back than they'd ever been! Today, I got right next to the rails by the hilltop fences to see who did what (fortunately, no fallers there).

What Plumpton could do with are a few more outdoor seats, and bars from which you can view the racing. It also needs, like many gaffs, a middle way between an overpriced and badly-served restaurant and the outdoor wagons or very cramped bars. A bistro would sort that omission out.

Very pleased you like it. I haven't been to enough small courses to judge how nice it is. It's several years since I went to Uttoxeter, where the immediate approach isn't great but is set quite nicely, and only once to Newton Abbot, which was all right. But Plumpton has regulars whov'e been attending for decades and wouldn't give a XXXX for anywhere else.

If they can sort out the piss-poor food and serving in the restaurant, that will be an improvement. It doesn't waste money on uniforms for the raceday staff, overblown hotels and grandiose grandstands that don't actually help any more people to see the racing. It does give everyone a decent day out and the manager, Claire Sheppard, and her team are on the go every raceday, walking around all areas and making sure that people are all right (staff or the public) - and, if not, listening to their complaints or suggestions.
Tullamore Dew now qualifies for the bonus as well.

Funnily enough another first time outer for Plumpton has started a similarly complimentary thread about Plumpers on TRF.

He did back Arctic Flow though!

Photos rubbish again,oh for a day of clear blue sky.
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Went many many moons ago when I was a wee girl and hubby always took great delight in teasing me that it was such a small track. He was laughing on the other side of his face last year when we were given tickets (thanks BW!) to the owners and he realised it was a nice local course (not too local for us but as my nan lives in Uckfield its not a bad two in one day trip!).

Would love to go back - and the plan this year is to go a few more race meetings now the puppy is old enough to be left for a few hours (just wish we could bring dogs to more courses.....)
Krizon. Would definately had met up and was thinking of lingfield jumps today to say hello, but the card is truely awful!

Ill pop down to lingfield soon though. Must have that drink

i would love to have walked up that hill. I can imagine the view.

Yes. Agree about the food.