Podcasts - What do you listen to?


At the Start
Apr 30, 2006
I think they are great. Usually download to the Ipod and listen to them on the train to and from work or when running in the morning. I'm a regular listener of the following:

Guardian Football Weekly
Red Cafe Podcast
Guardian Daily
New York Times politics podcast

I listen to the excellent Cheltenham Radio reviews as well, though don't know of any other racing podcasts on the go. I've started listening to the Irish Times' daily elections podcasts as well and listen to a host of other US political podcasts when I can.

What about the rest of you? Given the amount of eggheads on the forum (as Bar would say), I'm sure plenty listen to a lot more than me.
I can imagine the Guardian football podcast. why arent there more women and muslims in the england side? why we shouldnt play israel? why we reach out to play Sudan? blah blah

I like podcasts and subscribe to a few, but fairly conventional Radio 4 shows list. Ultimately they do the best radio programming

From our own correspondent
Start the week

Also the great (sadly away) Danny baker show from radio 5

and believe it or not, the new york time politics show too
Only one at the moment which is the BBC Wildlife one. I've tried a few running ones but my ipod's playing up at the moment so one I go into one podcast/playlist/album etc I'm stuck on it until I hook it back up to the pc again.
Slate Culture Gabfest - every week without fail
The Game (Times) or Guardian Football Weekly - usually one or the other
The Bugle (Times) - guilty pleasure, but I like John Oliver
No Agenda - Infrequently, but if I'm feeling conspiratorial...
Ok. Will give it a go. I wasnt being entirely serious anyway. Theres a lot to like about The Guardian

.... if you are a one legged black lesbian muslim dwarf