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Irish Stamp

Senior Jockey
Mar 21, 2004
Off to play poker at a casino with some workmates on Thursday night. I've never played outside of my group of friends and family and never for proper cash, anyone any tips other than keeping a straight face?

I'm kinda cautious when it comes to playing so it's rare that I actually play a hand and have a strategy sorted out etc. so if I play someone a fair bit I guess I get predictable.

Nervous too with it being people I don't know and you never know how good they'll be.

Martin :shy:
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Mar 26 2007, 09:10 PM
anyone any tips other than keeping a straight face?

Its not really that important with people who dont know you. Showing signs of being nervous who indicate to me your have a good hand. Let the cards play themselves and you'll do fine.
Patience has to be the key. If you play patiently, chances are after a few hands some people will have spunked their chips away already.
Just look on it as an interesting new experience, IS, and let us know how you enjoyed venturing out of the fold afterwards! It can be a bit daunting going into a situation with strangers for the first time, but just figure there are possibly other people there thinking the same thing, too. Just relax and as PDJ says, be patient and let others fritz themselves! You'll have a great time, I'm sure. :)
Its not a stategy hes looking for. He wants to know how you disguise your emotions with strangers. A skill I have mastered down the local sports fields....
I think i'm sorted for strategy, it's just sticking to it which I need to do really. I'm borrowing a friends book to read too and see how we get on with that.

I have a limit of £20 on the night so fingers crossed i'll stick to lil games and see how we get on :)
What's the format IS? £20 doesn't sound like a lot for a Casino be it cash or tourney, unless it is a Sit&Go? A lot of the games at Casino's I played are re-buys which drive me crazy.

The biggest suprise that I had when I first played in a Casino may sound minor, but I admit to it throwing me: There was no dealer. Each player took it in turns to cut, shuffle and deal. It can be a bit unnerving at first, how ever natural you are with a pack of cards in your hands in front of friends. This has been the case on a few occasions that I have played live.

The second biggest suprise was 5 people on my table going all-in on the very first hand they were dealt. Shitty, low stakes re-buys. I avoid them like the plague now.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Mar 26 2007, 09:31 PM
I'm borrowing a friends book to read too and see how we get on with that.....
Read it at the table Martin.......that'll put them proper off the scent.
You will be nervous, everyone is the first few times they play and you will likely make a few mistakes which they will jump on, try to ignore them and play your own game.
It's totally different playing in a casino to playing on the net, I played last week in £50 rebuy comp at the casino and reached the final table after over 5 hours play and finished up 2nd without rebuying which I was quite pleased with.
Like Betsmate though, I dislike rebuy comps and as he said..lol..wait until you shuffle the cards with nine others all looking at you :D
I'm alright on the net at the moment, i'm really picky with what hands I play - managed to triple my money winning two hands in an hour and only playing three which I think's pretty good going - MSN Messenger helped mind :)

I'll be well nervous though, it was a spur of the moment thing in work yesterday - came up in conversation so I said i'd join in, apparently it's £10 buy in's so shouldn't be too bad.
Grasshopper - :laughing: Brilliant ploy - "Poker for Dummies" - that'll have the opposition on the back foot!
It didn't I'm afraid Triptych. Due to an admin error in payroll everyone is skint this month so postponed till at least the end of April now. Will give me time to get more practice, I have managed to do quite well with my fake money on Poker Stars though so fingers crossed I might be able to do something similar with the real stuff.
