Pot Holes


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
I've just taken the car for a spin round the block, first time I've used it since last Friday. Most of the snow has gone now round here, but some enormous pot holes have been left and in some cases whole sections of the road have slipped into the ditch.
What do they use to surface roads nowadays?
Took the Beddy for a pipe opener this morning, came to the conclusion that if I emigrated to India I might find better roads. Why do we pay council tax?
You can always tell when you cross a county border in/out of Gloucestershire, because within the first few yards the quality of the road has deteriorated/improved (depending on which way you're going).

I used to play a game with my nephew to see how soon after the "Welcome to Gloucestershire" sign he could tell me we had passed it, with his eyes closed - always within a few yards.

Maybe the Council leaves the pot holes in because its cheaper than other methods of traffic control.
Yes I've noticed that there is a difference between Herts to Beds. Herts roads normally get more salt in Winter , but Bedfordshire roads are genearally better maintained.
Well, after the snow,the cobbles have made a re-appearance around here (Sheffield) and the rest of the roads look like the RAF have dropped a million cluster bombs due to the amount of potholes but no doubt the lorry will be round soon with some tarmac (read-old road ground up for re-use) to slap in!!