Pot, kettle, black?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
While I strongly agree with the bookie, I am also firmly of the view that bookies are hardly the epitome of morality and honesty themselves.

I find I have to check every return myself to see if they've tried to diddle me in some way and have had to argue cases with them more often than necessary down the years.

The bookie is suggesting it was the punter who took advantage of the employee by overstating the returns due, which I imagine is heading towards iffy legal territory, possibly fraud.

I wouldn't hesitate to correct any mistake I spotted whether it was in my favour or against.

Only a few weeks ago I had to twice go back to the checkout at Aldi to get the chap to correct a mistake. The first was because he hadn't discounted one of my items with the big 30% OFF sticker and then when he did he returned me 30% of the original price instead of just deducting the 30%. And I found I was the one doing the apologising...

Many years ago two of my older brothers went to Ascot for the King George meeting. They both backed two horses - the same two - in the 5f sprint hcap and those two horses dead-heated. I remember one was called Dizzy Dave. When they went to collect the bookie tore the ticket and said, "Already paid out." The brothers picked up the stubs and reported the bookie to the stewards who intervened on their behalf and they were paid out but you wonder how many other punters were ripped off and felt powerless to do anything about it.

No amount of wrongs will ever make a right, though.