Powered by Skybet?

Shame RUK just lump the subscribers with replay after replay once the meeting was called off. Surely they have some other features or some old favourites on replay ready in cases like this - if I see Cheltenham one more time....
I would have thought powered meant being reinforced by the support of Skybet, did you hear of any offers by Skybet during the programme? I'd be surprised if you didn't.

Assuming that is not a rhetorical question, I would suggest the answer is "not really, but it may well be better than the alternatives (which presumably could include some of the racing being blanked out or all of the racing being in the hands of the more commercially driven ATR)"

Regarding the "powered by" phrase, this sounds like classic management-speak and I very much doubt that Nick Luck would have chosen the term himself, unless it was ironically.
No, Pru, "powered by" are words that have been used before in the same context.

So you think that subscriptions would have to rise considerably if RUK turned their back on the bookmakers' dollar?

Bring back Jim Ramsey, I say!
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Colin. "Powered by" is likely to be a term approved by the management teams of RUK and Skybet, and so you are likely to hear it repeatedly. Once again, I doubt Nick Luck would have chosen the term himself, other than possibly ironically. He, like most of the rest of us, have to spout this management-speak crap at the behest of his bosses from time to time or go off message.

No, I do not think that subscriptions "would have to rise considerably" and did not say so. I think that RUK has done this as a commercial decision which they, as a commercial organisation, are entitled to. If they did not behave in a commercial way they would ultimately, though perhaps not specifically in this instance, pay the price.
You see/hear the "powered by" phrase all the time in US sports coverage; they just think it sounds more impressive than simply "sponsored by".
In US sports advertising, the "powered by" phrase usually has some context e.g. "Powered by Hyundai" or even "Powered by Gatorade".

In that sense, the phrase "powered by Skybet" is plainly bollocks, and was doubtless promoted by some middle-management schmuck, because he thought it sounded dynamic.
From Betview magazine:

Sky Bet, whose PR team is led by Dale Tempest and Helen Jacob, are currently working on a stronger commercial relationship with Racing UK which will include more programme sponsorship and on-air mentions. ‘We already have a good working relationship with At The Races and are now seeking an increased similar exposure on RUK,’ says Flint (Sky Bet Managing Director).