Princess Haya

She's a very down to earth person from personal experience. She used to walk to local supermarket and when in Newmarket many years ago when love was fresh. Very nice lady.
As a balanced view, I nearly ran SM over when he was on a Segway one night - actually thought it was a ghost ' floating' down the driveway in front of me in the pitch black, which then moved aside and waved me through. Sent a message the next day via someone else to apologise if scared me, and what was I doing working that late?
(the £550m in no way detracts from her gorgeousness)

Not in the least.

It makes me find her all the more attractive.

All I need now is to hear that she's desperately keen to find a mid-60-something form-studying Scot of Irish descent with a full head of hair and wife willing to release him for a consideration...
Not in the least.

It makes me find her all the more attractive.

All I need now is to hear that she's desperately keen to find a mid-60-something form-studying Scot of Irish descent with a full head of hair and wife willing to release him for a consideration...

and if she'd be as keen for someone a little more "mature" - look no further
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