My father was diagnosed with this about four years ago, and despite a slight scare of late, its not the worst kind of Cancer to have, there are a lot worse out there for sure.
Options he was given included having the operation, having chaemoterapy (excsue spelling) or Radium treatment. He went with the latter. Spent 6 r 8 weeks in St Lukes,staying in the facility up there which i have to say was amazing, hed go up from here on a monday and return on a friday. After so many doses of the treatment, which was daily, Mon-Fri, he got the all clear. He was 70 yrs of age at the time, so im not sure age is a factor.
A lad im doing best man for, his father found out recently he had the same. His treatment entailed some sort of Radium pellet being inserted in him, which gave a positive result too, so there are all sorts of treatments.
The main thing i will say is that it is a managable cancer in my opinion, i hope im not out of line sayin that.
I will look for some info on it if i can find any il forward it on. The main thing is to get informed on it as your doing, reassure him that its not the end of the world and the treatment my dad got wasnt too bad. The main symptom he had from it was that he was tired from it for a number of week during and after, but nothing too bad.