Pub Tries To Dodge Smoking Ban


At the Start
Jul 22, 2004

A pub landlord hopes to get round the new smoking ban by turning his premises into the official British embassy of a remote Caribbean island.

Bob Beech wants to turn The Wellington Arms in Freemantle, Southampton, into the UK base of the uninhabited Redonda.

It follows the pub already being granted status as a consulate of Redonda by the island's king and Mr Beech receiving a Redondan knighthood.

But his plans are likely to be thwarted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The landlord said: "We came up with the idea that this pub could become the British consulate for the Kingdom of Redonda - and the king thought it was a good idea.

"We had a ceremony for that and I was made a knight.

"Subsequent to that it was decided that we wanted to become an embassy. Our legal team are waiting to hear if that's possible.

"We intend to go ahead with the full benefits of an embassy."

Those benefits could include not having to enforce the smoking ban when it comes into force on Sunday 1 July.

The ruler of the tiny Atlantic island, King Robert the Bald, sent the island's official cardinal to grant consulate status on the pub.

Cardinal Elder, also a regular drinker at the pub, said: "If it works we won't have to enforce the smoking ban - I think it will good for the pub and the Kingdom of Redonda."

But a Foreign Office spokeswoman said that Redonda was a territory of Antigua and Barbuda and therefore was not entitled to an embassy or high commission in the UK.

Councillor Gavin Dick, of Southampton City Council, said environmental health officers would be advising Sir Bob of the legal position when the smoke free legislation is implemented.

He added: "If they are not granted embassy status, which requires formal accreditation by the Foreign Office, then they will be covered by the new law, which we will be enforcing."
Listening to 5Live last night, some landlords are trying to get around the new law by means of a temporary, plastic roof in their pub garden (obviously for the winter). I'm sure some even more inventive ideas are in the pipeline as no Government ever seems to be able to pass laws without loopholes.
Originally posted by cricketfan@Jun 28 2007, 06:12 AM
Listening to 5Live last night, some landlords are trying to get around the new law by means of a temporary, plastic roof in their pub garden (obviously for the winter). I'm sure some even more inventive ideas are in the pipeline as no Government ever seems to be able to pass laws without loopholes.
My local installed one such item last week
Brewers' reps have been going round all the pubs demanding that the landlord provides a covered area in the garden or wherever possible for the use of smokers. My chums who have bought the lease of The Lamb in Lambourn were fairly amazed two weeks in, to get this chap round with his bizarre demands, when all they wanted was to get the kitchen renovated and up and running! It seems there was a *business decision*
that smokers'custom is more valued than diners' :( :laughing: :laughing:

Ps, apparently those outdoor heater have a 'carbon footprint' on a par with a tractor - and the envirmonemt mafia are out to get them banned :rolleyes:
Just back from Spain where many establishments have obtained licences to permit smoking and others have the full backing of the law toenforce non smoking.
An outrageously sensible solution.
Just been to my local Betfred. Manager outside having a fag and no-one behind the counter. Shame the safe was locked.
Originally posted by PDJ@Jul 1 2007, 04:33 PM
If so then they are a bunch of idiots.
Some are, some aren't - but they're nearly all smokers! ESP the esteemed Johnny The Fish who probably sleeps with fag in hand [tobacco kinds, he's def not the other way inclined]
Paddy Power had a market on the first celebrity to fall foul of the new law. Was Charles Kennedy quoted?
Smoking on a train, hasn't that been banned for years?

Has he really gone off the rails (pun not intended) or was it a misunderstanding?
You've gotta wonder haven't you :rolleyes:

He hung his head out the window and protested that he was allowed to, and then refused to stub it out. What a prat :laughing: To make it worse, the pillock even voted for it
All smokers should visit Stoke on trent where the council failed to get enforcement regulations so cannot enforce the ban until August 2nd