Question Of Sport


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
Used to be a good show, but now in a world where how you look is more important than substance or personality we have mr Stepford wife himself Jamie Redknapp as a captain. Shame.
You got there just before me Euro. He has single-handedly made Sky's pre/post-match analysis unwatchable in the last year.
Killing the competitive element in favour of "fun for all the family" killed the programme.
I haven't seen the programme for at least 10 years, it was a long way past its sell-by date then. It evidently hasn't improved!
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Oct 13 2007, 04:47 PM
You got there just before me Euro. He has single-handedly made Sky's pre/post-match analysis unwatchable in the last year.
Souness on RTE

Listen to Souness at the end of this clip. Working on RTE and actually being paid to say what he thinks was new to him.

After Liverpool's game with Marseille, Souness got stuck into how bad Liverpool performed and Redknapp almost took is personally. He's always has to be politically correct and he is such a bore.
Originally posted by cricketfan@Oct 13 2007, 06:40 PM
You guys have rose tinted specs on. It was awful with Bill Beaumont, Willie Carson and Emlyn Hughes on there.
Hughes and Carson were at least entertaining. Beaumont was awful but Botham made that partnership, he hated to lose and it really showed.
Originally posted by Euronymous+Oct 13 2007, 08:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Euronymous @ Oct 13 2007, 08:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-cricketfan@Oct 13 2007, 06:40 PM
You guys have rose tinted specs on. It was awful with Bill Beaumont, Willie Carson and Emlyn Hughes on there.
Hughes and Carson were at least entertaining. Beaumont was awful but Botham made that partnership, he hated to lose and it really showed. [/b][/quote]
Spot on with Botham. But I simply cannot have Carson or Hughes as being genuinely amusing. McCoist and Parrott are genuinely funny, but Carson and Hughes were there to be laughed at not with.
I'm with Venusian in haven't watched it in over 10 years. They have had some mind numbingly bad captains on down the years, Redknapp doesn't surprise me in the least.
Wisecracker Ally McCoist and Mr Nice Guy Matt Dawson were good foils. In fact, they gave the show quite a revival because they could get the balance right between the craic and the competitive edge.

I wasn't aware Redknapp was a new captain and I'm surprised the BBC couldn't have persuaded someone with a bit of spark to lead one of the teams. I'm sure Jimmy Kranky would have been interested.
Didn't Matt Nice Guy almost forfeit a career in rugby for his new career in the meeja?

..............I would accept that his rugby career was nearing its end, and he had probably been tempted by the BBC, and then advised by his agent which was more important to his prospective earnings.

He is very excitable in his role as expert summariser on steam radio 5 LIVE!!!
The relentless chuminess with complete and utter patronising presentation ( especially towards any foreign contestants ... oo an australian, we had better ask lots of australian based questions ) and gormless audience member shots makes me want to hurl chunks.

Instead, I turn it over to find Sporting Triangles.