Racecourse Cam


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
I read somewhere on here or at FF that they have a Web Cam at San Diego Zoo and that any time night or day one can log in and have a butchers.

Why don`t racecourses have the same thing? I`m sure they`d be a market for it, i know that the weather at Newmarket this week and indeed at Cheltenham leading up to the Festival were the subjects of intense interest on Racing forums up and down the country.

I personally would be willing to subscribe to such a service. Fiver a month say for a look at whatever racecourse i want at any time night or day. It would take away a lot of the angst because i`d know what was happening at any particular course. I`m sure there is someone on here with contacts who could put some feelers out.

EDIT: If the consensus is this isn`t a ###### idea maybe someone who has access to the BF Forum could post it there, it will get a lot more looks.